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[英]XAMPP: apache won't start but already running in port 80?

Not a serious problem, and easily solved. 问题不严重,容易解决。 Just a curious question. 只是一个奇怪的问题。

I'm running Linux Mint, and am trying to build a website using a small database. 我正在运行Linux Mint,并尝试使用小型数据库来构建网站。 To this end, I've installed XAMPP. 为此,我已经安装了XAMPP。 Previously it worked fine, but then I started running into problems (browser is downloading .php files, even though files have the correct permissions.) However, since I reinstalled XAMPP, I can't get Apache to start. 以前它可以正常工作,但是后来我开始遇到问题(即使文件具有正确的权限,浏览器也正在下载.php文件。)但是,由于我重新安装了XAMPP,因此无法启动Apache。 So after reading some forums, I try to see why not, by looking at what is occupying port 80. 因此,在阅读了一些论坛之后,我将通过查看占用80端口的端口来尝试了解为什么不这样做。

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :80
tcp6       0      0 :::80           :::*     LISTEN      1414/apache2

So it seems that apache was already running. 因此,看来Apache已经在运行。 Killing the process allows me to start Apache up via the XAMPP GUI, but I was wondering why it would start up before I start up XAMPP? 终止该进程可以使我通过XAMPP GUI启动Apache,但是我想知道为什么它在启动XAMPP之前就可以启动?

Probably you already installed LAMP. 可能您已经安装了LAMP。 Check if Apche is installed: 检查是否已安装Apche:

dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstal | grep apache

You might get this: 您可能会得到:

apache2                     install
apache2-bin                 install
apache2-data                install
apache2-mpm-prefork         install
apache2-mpm-worker          install
libapache2-mod-fastcgi      install
libapache2-mod-php5         install

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