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[英]Update controllers in AngularJS with Services

I ask for excuse for my bad english!! 我为我的英语不好找借口!

Hello, I've a problem: 您好,我遇到了问题:

 var app = angular.module('testino', []); app.controller('listController', listController ); listController.$inject = ['service']; function listController(service) { console.log("listController instanziato"); vm = this; vm.lista = service.getLista(); vm.add = function () { service.addElement(); service.getLista; } vm.load = service.load(); } app.controller('loadingController', loadingController); loadingController.$inject = ['service']; function loadingController (service) { console.log("loadingController instanziato"); var vm = this; vm.load = service.load(); } app.factory('service', service); service.$inject = ['$http']; function service ($http) { console.log("service instanziato"); var sv = this; sv.lista = [ {1:"ciao"},{2:"ciao"},{3:"ciao"}]; sv.load = "LOADING" return { getLista : getLista, addElement : addElement, load : getLoading } function getLista() { return sv.lista; } function addElement() { sv.lista.push( {ciao:4} ); console.log (sv.load); sv.load = "LOADED"; console.log (sv.load); } function getLoading () { return sv.load ; } } 
 <!doctype html> <html ng-app="testino"> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.16/angular.js"></script> <script src="example.js"></script> </head> <body> <div ng-controller="loadingController as vm">loading: {{vm.load}} </div> <ul ng-controller="listController as lvm"> <button ng-click='lvm.add()'>Ciccio</button> <li ng-repeat = "e in lvm.lista">{{e}} </li> <li>Caricamento: {{lvm.load}}</li> <input type='text' ng-model='lvm.load' /> </ul> </body> </html> 

When I try to push (or pop) elments in array (sv.lista - service), all it work but the varible "vm.load" on listController and on loadingController, it's not updated.. 当我尝试在数组(sv.lista-服务)中推送(或弹出)元素时,除listController和loadingController上的变量“ vm.load”外,其他所有元素都可以工作,但不会更新。

I wanna take data on service and to update the controllers just updating data on services. 我想获取服务数据并更新控制器,而仅更新服务数据。

How can I do? 我能怎么做?

Thaks!! Thaks!

You need to bind the loading status as an object. 您需要将加载状态绑定为一个对象。 Right now you return the loading status when the controllers start as a string, and then when the status changes, you can't see any update because you lost the reference when you changed the string. 现在,当控制器以字符串形式启动时,您将返回加载状态,然后在状态更改时,您将看不到任何更新,因为在更改字符串时丢失了引用。 With objects, you can keep multiple references to the same object and everyone can see when that object changes. 使用对象,您可以保留对同一对象的多个引用,每个人都可以看到该对象何时更改。

 var app = angular.module('testino', []); app.controller('listController', listController ); listController.$inject = ['service']; function listController(service) { console.log("listController instanziato"); vm = this; vm.lista = service.getLista(); vm.add = function () { service.addElement(); vm.load = service.load(); } vm.load = service.load(); } app.controller('loadingController', loadingController); loadingController.$inject = ['service']; function loadingController (service) { console.log("loadingController instanziato"); var vm = this; vm.load = service.load(); } app.factory('service', service); service.$inject = ['$http']; function service ($http) { console.log("service instanziato"); var sv = this; sv.lista = [ {1:"ciao"},{2:"ciao"},{3:"ciao"}]; sv.load = "LOADING"; sv.loadObj = { status: sv.load }; return { getLista : getLista, addElement : addElement, load : getLoading } function getLista() { return sv.lista; } function addElement() { sv.lista.push( {ciao:4} ); console.log (sv.loadObj.status); sv.loadObj.status = "LOADED"; console.log (sv.loadObj.status); } function getLoading () { return sv.loadObj ; } } 
 <!doctype html> <html ng-app="testino"> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.16/angular.js"></script> <script src="example.js"></script> </head> <body> <div ng-controller="loadingController as vm">loading: {{vm.load.status}} </div> <ul ng-controller="listController as lvm"> <button ng-click='lvm.add()'>Ciccio</button> <li ng-repeat = "e in lvm.lista">{{e}} </li> <li>Caricamento: {{lvm.load}}</li> <input type='text' ng-model='lvm.load.status' /> </ul> </body> </html> 

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