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[英]Allow HTML content for ToolTip in Enyo

I am working on Tooltip, where my requirement is to show more details line by line inside tooltip, when user hovers over some iconbutton. 我正在使用工具提示,当用户将鼠标悬停在某个图标按钮上时,我的要求是在工具提示中逐行显示更多详细信息。 Currently, I am trying like this: 目前,我正在尝试这样:

{kind: "moon.TooltipDecorator", components: [
                    {kind: "moon.IconButton", src: "$lib/moonstone/samples/assets/icon-button-enyo-logo.png"},
                    {kind: "moon.Tooltip", name:'info', floating: true, contentUpperCase: false,allowHtml: true, content: "Floating tooltip <br>for an IconButton."}

But this is treating HTML content just like strings. 但这就像对待字符串一样对待HTML内容。 I tried to set dynamically, but result is same. 我尝试动态设置,但结果相同。 Below what i tried: 下面我试过了:

this.$.info.setContent('Fare Charges'+ "<span style='border:1px solid'"+flightsData[0].price+'</span><br>'+'<span>Some more data</span>');

Is there any ways to achieve it? 有什么方法可以实现?

moon.Tooltip was designed to only be a single line of text. moon.Tooltip设计为仅一行文本。 If you want more than one line, you can create your own tooltip based off of moon.Tooltip. 如果您需要多条线,则可以基于moon.Tooltip创建自己的工具提示。

    name: 'my.Tooltip',
    kind: 'moon.Tooltip',
    published: {
        allowHtml: false

    allowHtmlChanged: function() {
        this.$.client.set('allowHtml', this.allowHtml);

    create: function () {


    name: "App",
    components: [
        {kind: "moon.TooltipDecorator", components: [
                    {kind: "moon.IconButton", src:   "$lib/moonstone/samples/assets/icon-button-enyo-logo.png"},
                    {kind: "my.Tooltip", name:'info', floating: true, contentUpperCase: false, allowHtml: true, content: "Floating tooltip <br>for an IconButton."}

new App().renderInto(document.body);

You also need to override the .moon-tooltip-label CSS class: 您还需要覆盖.moon-tooltip-label CSS类:

.moon-tooltip-label {

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