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R Shiny输出动态表数

[英]R Shiny output dynamic number of tables

I am writing a Shiny app to create a row containing a table for each variable in a dataset. 我正在编写一个Shiny应用程序,以为数据集中的每个变量创建一个包含表的行。 The number of variables will change from use to use, and ideally the app will output as many rows and tables as there are variables. 变量的数量会因使用而异,并且理想情况下,应用程序将输出与变量一样多的行和表。 My current code is creating the correct number of rows and text, but is repeating the table data for the last table for all rows. 我当前的代码正在创建正确数量的行和文本,但是正在为所有行的最后一个表重复表数据。 I believe that the storing of table outputs in output[[tablename]] may not be in the right place to create separately stored tables. 我认为,将表输出存储在output[[tablename]]可能不适合创建单独存储的表。 The next step will be to add a reactive input to filter the rows shown by vardata$category . 下一步将添加反应性输入以过滤vardata$category所示的行。

  • What do I need to do to have the correct data populate for the table in each row? 我需要怎么做才能为每一行中的表填充正确的数据?
  • What would I need to do to then filter which rows are shown with a reactive input? 我该怎么做才能过滤出反应式输入显示的行?

Code here includes data example: 这里的代码包括数据示例:

variable <- c("Q17r01", "Q17r01", "Q17r01", "Q22r03", "Q22r03", "Q22r03", "Q15r01", "Q15r01", "Q15r01", "S03", "S03", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge")
    responses <- c("A_T", "B_M", "C_B", "A_T", "B_M", "C_B", "A_T", "B_M", "C_B", "Female", "Male", "13 - 17", "18 - 24", "25 - 34", "35 - 44", "45 - 54", "55+")
    grp1 <- c(33, 39, 28, 27, 20, 53, 88, 7, 5, 51, 49, 27, 8, 33, 14, 16, 2)
    grp2 <- c(42, 46, 12,41, 45, 13, 64, 32, 4, 44, 56, 9, 22, 39, 13, 12, 4)
    xAgg <- c(32, 49, 19, 26, 48, 26, 51, 38, 11, 45, 55, 12, 16, 30, 17, 14, 11)
    chartdata <- data.frame(variable,responses,grp1,grp2,xAgg,row.names=NULL)

    profvars <- unique(variable)
    varlabel <- c("Q17r01_I_am_overwhelmed_by_the_number_of_apps_available_for_download", "Q22r03_I_feel_overwhelmed_by_the_number_of_digital_communications_I_receive",
                  "Q15r01_When_I_receive_a_message_online_I_tend_to_respond_right_away", "S03_Please_indicate_your_gender", "vAge_Age_breakdown")
    category <- c("a_Causes_of_Stress", "a_Causes_of_Stress", "a_Communication_Availability", "zz_Demo", "zz_Demo")
    vardata <- data.frame(profvars,varlabel,category,row.names=NULL)

    chartdatasplit <- split(chartdata, chartdata$variable)

    server <- function(input, output) {

    assigntables <- reactive({
      for (vars in profvars){
          var <- vars
          tablename <- paste0("table.",var)
          output[[tablename]] <- renderTable({tabledata}) ###appears this is only being done for last table

      output$AllVars <- renderUI({
        ##for (i_var in 1:nrow(vardata)) {

    ui <- navbarPage("Seg Run",

    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Here we go: 开始了:


variable <- c("Q17r01", "Q17r01", "Q17r01", "Q22r03", "Q22r03", "Q22r03", "Q15r01", "Q15r01", "Q15r01", "S03", "S03", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge", "vAge")
responses <- c("A_T", "B_M", "C_B", "A_T", "B_M", "C_B", "A_T", "B_M", "C_B", "Female", "Male", "13 - 17", "18 - 24", "25 - 34", "35 - 44", "45 - 54", "55+")
grp1 <- c(33, 39, 28, 27, 20, 53, 88, 7, 5, 51, 49, 27, 8, 33, 14, 16, 2)
grp2 <- c(42, 46, 12,41, 45, 13, 64, 32, 4, 44, 56, 9, 22, 39, 13, 12, 4)
xAgg <- c(32, 49, 19, 26, 48, 26, 51, 38, 11, 45, 55, 12, 16, 30, 17, 14, 11)
chartdata <- data.frame(variable,responses,grp1,grp2,xAgg,row.names=NULL)

profvars <- unique(variable)
varlabel <- c("Q17r01_I_am_overwhelmed_by_the_number_of_apps_available_for_download", "Q22r03_I_feel_overwhelmed_by_the_number_of_digital_communications_I_receive",
              "Q15r01_When_I_receive_a_message_online_I_tend_to_respond_right_away", "S03_Please_indicate_your_gender", "vAge_Age_breakdown")
category <- c("a_Causes_of_Stress", "a_Causes_of_Stress", "a_Communication_Availability", "zz_Demo", "zz_Demo")
vardata <- data.frame(profvars,varlabel,category,row.names=NULL)

chartdatasplit <- split(chartdata, chartdata$variable)

server <- function(input, output) {

  tableize <- function(chartdatasplit){  ###can add additional arguments like dimension - add to where this is called also and how tabledata indexes
    tables <- list()
    for (x in names(chartdatasplit)){ ##go through all individually stored variable data frames in chartdatasplit list
      tabledata <- chartdatasplit[[x]]  ###function that returns a dataframe to use in table
      tables[[as.character(x)]] <- 
        print(xtable(tabledata, caption=paste("Variable:",x)),
           type="html", include.rownames = FALSE,
           html.table.attributes='class="data table table-bordered table-condensed"',

  output$tables <- renderUI({
    out <- unlist(tableize(chartdatasplit))

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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