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[英]ThinkingSphinx - Search through has_many association

I have a relationship between two models, Idea and Iteration . 我在两个模型( IdeaIteration之间有关系。 Each idea can have many iterations. 每个想法可以有很多迭代。 The models looks like this; 模型看起来像这样;

# idea.rb
has_many :iterations, dependent: :destroy

# I also use with: :real_time 
after_save ThinkingSphinx::RealTime.callback_for(:idea)

# iteration.rb
belongs_to :idea
after_save ThinkingSphinx::RealTime.callback_for(:idea, [:idea])

My indexes for Idea looks like this: 我的Idea索引如下所示:

ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :idea, :with => :real_time do
  indexes iterations.title, as: :iteration_titles
  indexes iterations.description, as: :iteration_descriptions
  has iterations.id, :as => :iteration_ids, type: :integer

And I search like this: 我这样搜索:

@ideas = @user.ideas.search  ThinkingSphinx::Query.escape(params[:search]),
  :with => {:team_id => @teams.collect(&:id)},
  :page     => params[:page],
  :per_page => 10,
  :order    => 'created_at DESC'

Currently, searching for either Iteration title or description returns 0 hits. 当前,搜索Iteration标题或描述将返回0个匹配。 And I have performed: 我执行了:

rake ts:rebuild
rake ts:regenerate
rake ts:index

Have I missed something? 我错过了什么吗?

One of the differences between real-time indices and SQL-backed indices is that with SQL-backed indices, you refer to associations and columns in your index definition, but with real-time indices, you refer to methods. 实时索引和SQL支持的索引之间的区别之一是,对于SQL支持的索引,您引用索引定义中的关联和列,而对于实时索引,则引用方法。

And while iterations is an instance method within an idea , title , description and id are not methods on the object returned by iterations . 尽管iterations是一个idea的实例方法,但是titledescriptionid并不是iterations返回的对象的方法。

The easiest way to work through this has two parts. 解决此问题的最简单方法包括两部分。 Firstly, add instance methods to Idea that return the data you want for the iteration-related fields and attributes: 首先,将实例方法添加到Idea中,以返回与迭代相关的字段和属性所需的数据:

def iteration_titles
  iterations.collect(&:title).join(' ')

def iteration_descriptions
  iterations.collect(&:description).join(' ')

def iteration_ids
  iterations.collect &:id

And then use those methods in your index definition: 然后在索引定义中使用这些方法:

indexes iteration_titles, iteration_descriptions
has iteration_ids, :type => :integer, :multi => true

And then, run rake ts:regenerate to get it all set up ( ts:rebuild and ts:index have no meaning for real-time indices). 然后,运行rake ts:regenerate进行设置( ts:rebuildts:index对实时ts:index没有意义)。

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