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[英]How to add widgets to title bar using tkinter?

I am currently learning python and tkinter. 我目前正在学习python和tkinter。

I was wondering how to add a button to the title bar in the "mac osx style". 我想知道如何在“ mac osx样式”中向标题栏添加按钮。 I found a simple picture example: 我找到了一个简单的图片示例:


The screenshot shows an app written in python using tkinter. 屏幕截图显示了使用tkinter用python编写的应用程序。

Can it be available for linux systems ? 它可以用于linux系统吗?

Thanks ! 谢谢 !

That application uses an open source extension. 该应用程序使用开源扩展。 See http://opensource.codebykevin.com/native.html 参见http://opensource.codebykevin.com/native.html

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