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[英]Getting Photos Posted by User

I have following permission for my App. 我对我的应用拥有以下许可。


I am interested in two types of posts and photos from my friends. 我对来自朋友的两种帖子和照片感兴趣。

  • Friend's check in at a place (Shown as "Friend Name" was at "Place Name") 朋友在某个地方签到(显示为“朋友名称”在“地方名称”中)
  • Friend added Photos at a Place (Shown as "Friend Name" added X photos at "Place Name") 朋友在某个地点添加了照片(显示为“朋友名称”在“地点名称”中添加了X张照片)

I am being able to get Case 1 by using 我可以通过使用案例1


The above call did not return me the Photos in Case 2. So I did 上面的电话未向我返回案例2中的照片。所以我做到了


This returns me the posts in Case 2. The JSON I got back, there were two interesting paramers. 这将返回案例2中的帖子。我返回的JSON有两个有趣的参数。

  "id": "XXXXXXX", 
  "picture": "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/xxxxx", 
  "type": "photo", 
  "status_type": "added_photos", 
  "object_id": "XXXXXXXX", 
  "created_time": "2015-03-09T02:23:28+0000", 
  "updated_time": "2015-03-09T03:18:48+0000"

picture and object_id. 图片和object_id。 Picture gives me a very small thumbnail image, not an array off images added by my friend. 图片给了我很小的缩略图,而不是我的朋友添加的图像阵列。 If I do a GET on the Object_id I get 如果我在Object_id上执行GET

  "error": {
    "message": "Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api", 
    "type": "GraphMethodException", 
    "code": 100

Please advise what I am doing wrong and how I can get Case 2. 请告知我在做什么错以及如何获得案例2。

To retrieve the places that a person has been tagged in(in a status, photo, video etc), you could use: /friendId/tagged_places However to read the user's check-in, read_stream permission will be needed, which is going to be removed anytime and there seems to be no way to get it approved as of now. 要检索标记了某个人的位置(状态,照片,视频等),可以使用:/ friendId / tagged_places但是,要读取用户的签入内容,则需要read_stream权限,这将是随时都可以删除,到目前为止,似乎还没有任何方法可以批准它。 As replied earlier, it needs the friend to use the app as well. 如前所述,它也需要朋友使用该应用程序。

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