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Java 8流API过滤

[英]Java 8 Stream API Filtering

I have a collection of objects, with the following type: 我有以下类型的对象的集合:

    String action_name; //add or delete
    long action_time;
    String action_target;

Need to get the latest merged operation on each action_target 需要获取每个action_target上的最新合并操作

Sample input data: 样本输入数据:

[add|1001|item1, add|1002|item2, delete|1003|item1, add|1004|item1]

Expected result: 预期结果:

[add|1002|item2, add|1004|item1]

Sample input data: 样本输入数据:

[add|1001|item1, add|1002|item2, delete|1003|item1]

Expected result: 预期结果:


Sample input data: 样本输入数据:

[delete|1001|item1, add|1002|item2, add|1003|item1]

Expected result: 预期结果:

[add|1002|item2, add|1003|item1]

Is this approachable using Java8 stream APIs? 使用Java8流API可以做到这一点吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

You want to group by one criteria (the action_target ) combined with reducing the groups to the maximum of their action_time values: 您想一个条件( action_target )分组,同时将组减少最大 action_time值:

Map<String,Item> map=items.stream().collect(

This returns a Map<String,Item> but, of course, you may call values() on it to get a collection of items. 这将返回Map<String,Item>但是,当然,您可以在其上调用values()以获取项目集合。

Beautified with static import s, the code looks like: static import s进行美化,代码如下所示:

Map<String,Item> map=items.stream().collect(groupingBy(item->item.action_target,
    collectingAndThen(maxBy(comparing(item->item.action_time)), Optional::get)));

Your additional request of taking care of idempotent "add" and follow-up "delete" actions can be simplified to “remove items whose last action is "delete" ” which can be implemented just by doing that after collecting using a mutable map: 您对处理幂等"add"和后续"delete"操作的附加请求可以简化为“删除最后一个操作为"delete" ”,只需在使用可变映射进行收集之后执行此操作即可实现:

HashMap<String,Item> map=items.stream().collect(groupingBy(
    item->item.action_target, HashMap::new,
    collectingAndThen(maxBy(comparing(item->item.action_time)), Optional::get)));

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