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Windows Batch`for`循环中不带换行符的Echo

[英]Echo Without Newline in a Windows Batch `for` Loop

Please note: This question is not about how to echo without a newline. 请注意:此问题不是关于如何在没有换行符的情况下进行回显。 It's about to pipe a variable without a newline and store the result in another variable. 它将通过管道传递不带换行符的变量,并将结果存储在另一个变量中。 Please don't mark this question as duplicate to other questions answering only how to remove newlines! 请不要将此问题标记为与仅回答如何删除换行符的其他问题重复!

I have a variable a which I want to pass to a program (let's use more for the sake of this example), and its result should be stored into another variable b . 我有一个变量a ,我想传递给程序(在此示例中,我们more使用它),其结果应存储在另一个变量b This is to prevent the creation of temporary files. 这是为了防止创建临时文件。 Sticking some answers from other questions here together, this could be achieved by something like this: 将其他问题的一些答案汇总在一起,可以通过以下方式实现:

FOR /f "tokens=*" %%t IN ('ECHO %a% ^| MORE') DO SET b=%%t

Which works -- BUT will add another newline on my variable! 哪个有效-但是会在我的变量上添加另一个换行符! So I tried the following tricks you find on stackoverflow/superuser to prevent the newline. 因此,我尝试了以下在stackoverflow / superuser上发现的技巧,以防止换行。 If you do these without the loop, they work perfectly! 如果您不循环执行这些操作,它们将完美工作! But once you put them in a loop, they fail: 但是一旦将它们置于循环中,它们就会失败:

FOR /f "tokens=*" %%t IN ('ECHO ^| SET /p="%a%" ^| MORE') DO SET b=%%t
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%t IN ('^<NUL SET /p="%a%" ^| MORE') DO SET b=%%t

It will always say The syntax of the command is incorrect. 它将始终The syntax of the command is incorrect. What am I missing? 我想念什么? Please help me! 请帮我!

If you run your command 如果您运行命令

FOR /f "delims=" %%t IN ('^<NUL SET /p="%a%" ^| more ') DO SET "b=%%t"

with echo ON you will see the equal sign in the set command has vanished, it has been removed by the parser leaving an incorrect command. echo开启的情况下,您会看到set命令中的等号消失了,解析器将其删除,留下了不正确的命令。

You have two options: 您有两种选择:

FOR /f "delims=" %%t IN ('^<NUL SET /p^="%a%" ^| more ') DO SET "b=%%t"
FOR /f "delims=" %%t IN ('^<NUL SET /p"=%a%" ^| more ') DO SET "b=%%t"

The first one escapes the equal sign. 第一个转义等号。 The second one quotes it. 第二个引用它。

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