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[英]How can write '<' in HTML tag?

I wanna write text between of a tag that it should have < . 我想在它应该有的标签之间写文字<。 but I can write it 但我可以写出来

for example 例如

<div class="SampleDiv">Text1<Text2<Text3</div>

How can fix this problem? 怎么解决这个问题?

You need to read about HTML entities . 您需要阅读有关HTML实体的信息 In this case, the < character should be replaced with &lt; 在这种情况下, <字符应替换为&lt;

Just use & together with #60; 只需和#60一起使用&; instead of the "<" or & together with #62 instead of the ">". 而不是“<”或&#与#62而不是“>”。

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