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Visual Studio 2013网站发布不复制.pdb文件

[英]Visual Studio 2013 Website Publish Not Copying .pdb files

I have checked the answer for VS 2012, it did not work. 我已经检查了VS 2012的答案,但它没有用。 I do not precompile, I have "Debug Info" set to "full" , "Items to deploy" set to "Only files needed to run this application" and "Exclude generated debug symbols" not marked. 我没有预编译,我将“Debug Info”设置为“full”“要部署的项目”设置为“仅运行此应用程序所需的文件”“排除生成的调试符号”未标记。

I have tested with "All files in this project" , and I have tried to edit the pubxml file. 我已经使用“此项目中的所有文件”进行了测试,并且我尝试编辑pubxml文件。 Besides not working I cannot find the file schema documentation. 除了不工作,我找不到文件架构文档。

Please help. 请帮忙。

After a lot of tests, I noticed that "Exclude generated debug symbols" flickered as marked during the publish processing. 经过大量测试后,我注意到“排除生成的调试符号”在发布处理期间标记为闪烁。 My error was that I was editing the Active configuration -- which was Debug -- and not the Release configuration used in my publish process. 我的错误是我正在编辑Active配置 - 这是Debug - 而不是我的发布过程中使用的Release配置。

Please verify the Configuration combo on the project properties page, this was bizarre until I noticed that. 请在项目属性页面上验证配置组合,这是奇怪的,直到我注意到。

There´s an option in the Advanced Precompile Settings dialog (which is off by default); Advanced Precompile Settings对话框中有一个选项(默认情况下处于关闭状态); you find this dialog via the Settings tab of the Publish Web wizard... watch out for the (unoticable) Configure -link in the File Publish Options -drop-down... 您可以通过Publish Web向导的Settings选项卡找到此对话框...注意File Publish Options的(unoticable) Configure -link -drop-down ...


I've searched for this and tried every trick posted and nothing worked. 我已经搜索过这个并尝试过发布的每个技巧,但没有任何效果。

The only thing that worked for me was to take a copy of the bin folder and then delete all files from the bin folder and rebuild. 唯一对我有用的是获取bin文件夹的副本,然后从bin文件夹中删除所有文件并重建。 When publishing I got a new error of a missing .dll which I had in the backup folder. 发布时,我在备份文件夹中遇到了一个丢失.dll的新错误。 When I copied it to the bin folder I was finally able to publish. 当我将它复制到bin文件夹时,我终于能够发布了。

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