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[英]Loop until the last column (Horizontally) to be used

I am working on Excel VBA.我正在使用 Excel VBA。 I am trying to loop through the columns horizontally in excel as until the last value in recordset.我试图在 excel 中水平循环列,直到记录集中的最后一个值。 Below is my code.下面是我的代码。 As I want it to start from column G and up to data in recordset.因为我希望它从 G 列开始直到记录集中的数据。 As in Below code I have represent last column as X .在下面的代码中,我将最后一列表示为 X 。 It may be BM/BN but can not predict at starting.可能是BM/BN,但在开始时无法预测。

Please help me to get the desired solution.请帮助我获得所需的解决方案。

Set RS = 'recordset is set

If Not RS.BOF And Not RS.EOF Then
Do While Not RS.BOF And Not RS.EOF

    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(ReportTemplateDirectory & TestExcel.xlsx")
    xlWorkbook.Sheets(2).Name = "Calculation"
    Set ShtReport = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Sheets("Calculation")

    xlApp.Workbooks(1).Sheets("Calculation").Range("G6").Value = "")
    ..... 'Loop until the last column to be used
    xlApp.Workbooks(1).Sheets("Calculation").Range("X").Value = "")

 End If

You could accomplish this with a fairly straightforward loop.您可以使用一个相当简单的循环来完成此操作。 I added some inline comments to note some the changes made.我添加了一些内联注释以记录所做的一些更改。

Set RS = 'recordset is set

' Not sure if you need/want the RS.BOF condition here...
If Not RS.BOF And Not RS.EOF Then

    ' Initial Excel outside of the loop.
    ' Otherwise you create an instance for each record entry.
    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(ReportTemplateDirectory & "TestExcel.xlsx")
    Set ShtReport = xlWorkbook.Sheets(2)

    ShtReport.Name = "Calculation"

    Dim col As Integer
    col = 7 ' Start on column G.
    Do While Not RS.EOF
        ' All output will go to row 6.
        ShtReport.Cells(col, 6).Value = "?" ' Put value from RS here.

        col = col + 1

    ' If you are done with Excel, release the resources here.

End If

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