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[英]adding js code with razor

I am generating some tabs dynamically. 我正在动态生成一些标签。 I end up with 4 tabs. 我最后有4个标签。 The class of the tabs is beeing set in the foreach loop, and it is set to be the languageId, as you can see in the code below. 选项卡的类是在foreach循环中设置的,并且设置为languageId,如下面的代码所示。

<div id="tabs">
    @for (int i = 0; i < Model.NoteViewModel.NoteTextViewModels.Count(); i++)
      var languageId = @Model.NoteViewModel.NoteTextViewModels[i].LanguageId;                               
      var imageName = string.Format("FlagSmall_{0}.gif", languageId);
        <a href="#@languageId" class="@currentLanguage">
          <img src="@Url.Content("~/Graphics/" + imageName)" />

Now I introduce a new variable: var currentLanguage = new NotesController().LogonInfo.LanguageId; 现在,我引入一个新变量: var currentLanguage = new NotesController().LogonInfo.LanguageId; which holds the current language of the user logged in. What I want to do, is to set focus on the tab where href (or id or class) is the same as the currentLanguage. 它保留了登录用户的当前语言。我想做的是将焦点设置在href(或id​​或class)与currentLanguage相同的选项卡上。 For this I guess I need js, but since I can't have js code with razor syntax, I'm stuck. 为此,我想我需要js,但是由于我无法拥有带有剃刀语法的js代码,因此我陷入了困境。 So I want something like this: 所以我想要这样的事情:

@for (int i = 0; i < Model.NoteViewModel.NoteTextViewModels.Count(); i++)
  var languageId = @Model.NoteViewModel.NoteTextViewModels[i].LanguageId;
  var currentLanguage = new NotesController().LogonInfo.LanguageId;                                
  var imageName = string.Format("FlagSmall_{0}.gif", languageId);                              
    <a href="#@languageId">
      <img src="@Url.Content("~/Graphics/" + imageName)" />
  if (languageId == currentLanguage)

How can I achieve this? 我该如何实现?

I can't have js code with razor syntax 我无法使用带有razor语法的js代码

Sure you can, though you may need to explicitly tell the view engine that this is client-side content and not server-side code. 当然可以,尽管您可能需要明确告知视图引擎这是客户端内容,而不是服务器端代码。 You can do this with the <text> tag . 您可以使用<text>标记执行此操作。 It's not an HTML tag per se, but something the razor engine uses to specify static content. 它本身不是HTML标记,而是剃刀引擎用来指定静态内容的东西。 Something like this: 像这样:

<script type="text/javascript">
@for (int i = 0; i < Model.NoteViewModel.NoteTextViewModels.Count(); i++)
    var someJavaScriptVariable = 'some value';
    // etc.

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