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使用Ruby + Rest客户端退出代码

[英]Exit code from with Ruby + rest client

I learning ruby and playing it with restsclient I have following test the code and I'm expecting that to return 1/false. 我学习了ruby并与restsclient一起玩,我已经对代码进行了以下测试,并且期望它返回1 / false。 I can't seem to make it work. 我似乎无法使其工作。

n@lap-jta102:~/tsamcode$ ./get.rb
n@lap-jta102:~/tsamcode$ echo $?

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rest_client'
require 'json'

response = RestClient.get("https://admin:admin@", :content_type => :json, :accept => :json)
return true if response.code == 200
rescue => e
return false unless response != 200

$? is not set by return , but by exit . 不是由return设置的,而是由exit In fact, your return doesn't even do what you think. 实际上,您的return甚至没有您的想法。 Try just this: 试试这个:

# one-returner.rb
return 1

$ ruby one-returner.rb
one-returner.rb:1:in `<main>': unexpected return (LocalJumpError)

The reason you're not getting an error in your program is the fact that you blanket-rescue this error when raised by return true (since you have an unrestricted rescue , which is a bad practice for exactly this reason, it can catch a wrong thing and leave you puzzled), and return false never executes (and thus never raises an error) due to unless . 您的程序中没有出现错误的原因是,当您通过return true引发该错误时,您可以一揽子地解决该错误(由于您具有不受限制的rescue ,因此,这是错误的做法,因为它可能会导致错误东西,让你困惑),并return false从不执行(并因此永远不会引发错误),由于unless

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