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如何使用Libre / Open Office中的pyUNO库检查段落调整?

[英]How to check paragraph adjustment using pyUNO library in Libre/Open Office?

The com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties service supports the property ParaAdjust , that supports 5 values from com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust ( ParagraphProperties , ParagraphAdjust ). com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties服务支持属性ParaAdjust ,它支持来自com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjustParagraphPropertiesParagraphAdjust )的5个值。

To set the value, one of the two methods could be used: 要设置该值,可以使用以下两种方法之一:

cursor.ParaAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT
cursor.setPropertyValue('ParaAdjust', com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)

To check the value the first try was: 要检查值,第一次尝试是:

if cursor.ParaAdjust == com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT:

but didn't work. 但没有奏效。

Inspecting: 检查:

----> <class 'int'>
----> <class 'uno.Enum'>

right, I've assumed that these were constants (see Note below), my fault. 是的,我认为这些是常数(见下面的注释),我的错。

Now, the uno.Enum class has two properties typeName and value , so I've tried: 现在, uno.Enum类有两个属性typeNamevalue ,所以我尝试过:

if cursor.ParaAdjust == com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT.value:

but didn't work, too! 但也没有用!

Inspecting: 检查:

----> <class 'string'>
----> 'RIGHT'

Setting the ParaAdjust property and then print its actual value, I get: 设置ParaAdjust属性,然后打印其实际值,我得到:

LEFT    = 0
RIGHT   = 1
BLOCK   = 2
(note that STRETCH is considered as LEFT,
 a bug or something not implemented?)

So: 所以:

  • Where are these values defined? 这些值在哪里定义?
  • How could I get thes values using the UNO API? 我如何使用UNO API获取值?
  • Am I missing something from the official documentation? 我错过了官方文档中的内容吗?

Note : 注意

In LibreOffice 4.0 (maybe in older versions too), you could get this values with: 在LibreOffice 4.0中(也许在旧版本中),您可以通过以下方式获取此值:


from version 4.1 that doesn't work anymore (rightly, not being a constant). 从版本4.1不再起作用(正确,不是一个常数)。

Thanks to " hanya " from the OpenOffice Forum ( link ), here's some python code for mapping the values of ParagraphAdjust : 感谢OpenOffice论坛中的“ hanya ”( 链接 ),这里有一些用于映射ParagraphAdjust值的python代码:

def get_paragraph_adjust_values():
    ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
    tdm = ctx.getByName(
    v = tdm.getByHierarchicalName("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust")
    return {name : value
            for name, value
            in zip(v.getEnumNames(), v.getEnumValues())}

In python 2.6, that doesn't support the comprehension syntax for dictionaries, the dict() function can be used instead. 在python 2.6中,它不支持字典的理解语法,可以使用dict()函数代替。

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