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[英]Resolving parameter type in Roslyn

I'm using Roslyn to implement custom business rules. 我正在使用Roslyn来实现自定义业务规则。 At the moment, I'm a bit stuck, I have to validate the type of a parameter when a method is being invoked. 目前,我有点卡住了,我必须在调用方法时验证参数的类型。 There are no issues validating that the method is being invoked or that is contains parameters. 验证方法正在被调用或包含参数没有问题。 I have resolve an IdentifierNameSyntax by using GetSymbolInfo to get the symbol of my current syntax. 我已使用GetSymbolInfo解析IdentifierNameSyntax以获取当前语法的符号。 It's not null and has the information I'm looking for such as the following : 它不是null并且有我正在寻找的信息,如下所示:

CandidateReason: None
CandidateSymbols: Length = 0
Symbol: Local System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler ui

When I get into the Symbol property, I want to validate that the ui variable is indeed a TaskScheduler, but it has been an unsuccessful operation for a few days.. Basically, here's the info I get when I'm in Symbol 当我进入Symbol属性时,我想验证ui变量确实是一个TaskScheduler,但它已经是一个不成功的操作几天了......基本上,这是我在Symbol中的信息

Local System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler ui
    CanBeReferencedByName: true
    ConstantValue: null
    ContainingAssembly: Assembly TestProject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    ContainingNamespace: Namespace ConsoleApplication1
    ContainingSymbol: Method void ConsoleApplication1.TypeName.Test()
    ContainingType: NamedType ConsoleApplication1.TypeName
    DeclaredAccessibility: NotApplicable
    DeclaringSyntaxReferences: Length = 1
    HasConstantValue: false
    HasUnsupportedMetadata: false
    HighestPriorityUseSiteError: 2147483647
    IsAbstract: false
    IsCatch: false
    IsConst: false
    IsDefinition: true
    IsExtern: false
    IsFixed: false
    IsFor: false
    IsForEach: false
    IsImplicitlyDeclared: false
    IsOverride: false
    IsSealed: false
    IsStatic: false
    IsUsing: false
    IsVar: true
    IsVirtual: false
    Kind: Local
    Language: "C#"
    Locations: Length = 1
    MetadataName: "ui"
    Name: "ui"
    OriginalDefinition: Local System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler ui
    OriginalSymbolDefinition: Local System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler ui
    Type: NamedType System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler
    binder: {Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.BlockBinder}

Here's what I have so far to get the type of ui : 这是我到目前为止得到的ui类型:

  • ToString() on OriginalDefinition OriginalDefinition上的ToString()
  • ToDisplayString() on OrigninalDefinition OrigninalDefinition上的ToDisplayString()
  • ToString() on Symbol 符号上的ToString()
  • Tried to reach type, but I can only see it in the runtime.... 试图达到类型,但我只能在运行时看到它....

If needed, I can provided sample code but I cannot share the code I did. 如果需要,我可以提供示例代码,但我无法共享我所做的代码。 For those who might wonder, the console application is being simulated while under TDD, we have our own tool for creating unit test. 对于那些可能想知道的人,在TDD下模拟控制台应用程序,我们有自己的工具来创建单元测试。 But it has no impact whatsoever on this particular situation. 但它对这种特殊情况没有任何影响。 Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it ! 感谢您的帮助,我真的很感激!

You need to cast the ISymbol to ILocalSymbol , which is public. 你需要转换ISymbolILocalSymbol ,这是公开的。
You can then use the Type property. 然后,您可以使用Type属性。

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