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[英]read integer from file with read() c

i have a problem with file read() function. 我对文件read()函数有问题。 My file is like this: 我的文件是这样的:


Where the number is the length of the string that follows. 其中数字是后面的字符串的长度。 I need to read integer and string from input file and print them out on stdoutput, using low level I/O. 我需要使用低级I / O从输入文件中读取整数和字符串,并在stdoutput上将它们打印出来。 This is my code: 这是我的代码:


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    int *len, fd, r_l, r_s;
    char *s;
    fd=open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
            r_l=read(fd, len, sizeof(int));
            r_s=read(fd, s, (*len)*sizeof(char));
                write(1, len, sizeof(int));
                write(1, " ",sizeof(char));
                write(1, s, (*len)*sizeof(char));
        }while(r_l>=0 && r_s>=0);
    return 0;

But it not works =/ 但这不起作用= /

You did not allocate space for the poitner len , you need to allocate space for it and you can simply do it by declaring it as int len; 您没有为poitner len分配空间,您需要为其分配空间,您可以通过将其声明为int len;来简单地做到这一点int len; so it gets allocated in the stack and you don't need to handle it's allocation manually, so it would be something like this 因此它会在堆栈中分配,并且您不需要手动处理它的分配,因此它就像这样

int main(void) {
    int len, fd, r_l, r_s;
    char *s;
    fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
    if (fd >= 0) {
        do {
            r_l = read(fd, &len, sizeof(int));
            s   = malloc(len); /* <--- allocate space for `s' */
            r_s = 0;
            if (s != NULL)
                r_s = read(fd, s, len);
            if (r_l >= 0) {
                write(1, &len, sizeof(int));
                write(1, " ", 1);
            if ((r_s >= 0) && (s != NULL))
                write(1, s, len);
        } while (r_l >= 0 && r_s >= 0);
    return 0;

you also didn't allocate space for s which is another problem, I did allocate space for s in the corrected code above by using malloc() . 您也没有为s分配空间,这是另一个问题,我确实在上面的更正代码中通过使用malloc()s分配了空间。

And sizeof(char) == 1 by definition, so you don't need that. 并且sizeof(char) == 1的定义是,所以您不需要。

Although, the code above will not have the errors your code has, which invoke undefined behavior, it will not do what you expect, because your data cannot be read with this algorithm. 尽管上面的代码不会包含代码所带来的错误,这些错误会引起未定义的行为,但它不会执行您期望的操作,因为使用此算法无法读取您的数据。

The numbers in your file are not really integers, they are characters, so what you really need is this 您文件中的数字不是真正的整数,而是字符,所以您真正需要的是

int main(void) {
    char chr;
    int len, fd, r_l, r_s;
    char *s;
    fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
    if (fd >= 0) {
        do {
            r_l = read(fd, &chr, 1);
            len = chr - '0';
            s   = malloc(len); /* <--- allocate space for `s' */
            r_s = 0;
            if (s != NULL)
                r_s = read(fd, s, len);
            if (r_l >= 0) {
                printf("%d ", len);
            if ((r_s >= 0) && (s != NULL))
                write(1, s, len);
        } while (r_l >= 0 && r_s >= 0);
    return 0;

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