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[英]How to concatenate two column values and compare in ios

In my entity Contact, I have two columns named firstName & lastName.在我的实体联系人中,我有两列名为 firstName 和 lastName。 I want to search for a name entered by user in my DB.我想在我的数据库中搜索用户输入的名称。

For Eg: If user enters only 'William' I can search either its present in first name or last name and show the result.例如:如果用户只输入“威廉”,我可以搜索它的名字或姓氏并显示结果。 If the user enters 'William Smith', then I want to get both first name and last name from DB and compares it with search text.如果用户输入“William Smith”,那么我想从数据库中获取名字和姓氏,并将其与搜索文本进行比较。

For this i want to use NSPredicate that compares 3 condition:为此,我想使用比较 3 个条件的 NSPredicate:

firstName contains the search text OR
lastName contains the search text OR
firstName+lastName contains the search text.

I used the following predicate for that:我为此使用了以下谓词:

NSString *strSearchType = @"(%@ CONTAINS[cd] '%@' OR %@ CONTAINS[cd] '%@' OR (%@ || %@ CONTAINS[cd] '%@')";

I know "||"我知道“||” is the concatenate operator.是连接运算符。

But it gives me the following exception:但它给了我以下异常:

  *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unable to parse the format string "(firstName CONTAINS[cd] 'rus' OR lastName CONTAINS[cd] 'rus' OR ((firstName || lastName) CONTAINS[cd] 'rus'))"'

Am i doing anything wrong ?我做错了什么吗?

You can try following :您可以尝试以下操作:

firstName contains the search text OR
lastName contains the search text OR
(search text contains the firstName AND search text contains the lastName).
   NSString* stringA=nil;     NSString* stringB=nil; 

// this would give array of string separated by space
 NSArray *searchStrArray = [searchString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@" "]];

   if (searchStrArray.count>0) {
        stringA=[searchStrArray objectAtIndex:0];
    if (searchStrArray.count>1) {
        stringB=[searchStrArray objectAtIndex:1];

NSPredicate* predicateA= [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@“firstName CONTAINS[c] %@ OR lastName CONTAINS[c] %@",stringA , stringA];

NSPredicate* resultPredicate=predicateA;

NSPredicate* predicateB= [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@“firstName CONTAINS[c] %@ OR lastName CONTAINS[c] %@",stringB , stringB];

            resultPredicate=[NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:resultPredicate,predicateB, nil]];


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