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[英]SQL update from same table / multiple lists and items

I need to update a table that looks like this: 我需要更新一个看起来像这样的表:

No.    Item    Location        Score     Available     Price   some_more_text
1      Water   London                                  0,00
1      Water   Amsterdam       1         yes           1,11    alpha
1      Water   Burges          1         yes           1,11    alpha
2      Honey   London                                  0,00
2      Honey   Amsterdam       5         yes           5,55    omega
2      Honey   Burges          5         yes           5,55    omega
3      Spoon   London          4         yes           3,33    gamma
3      Spoon   Amsterdam       4         yes           3,33    gamma
3      Spoon   Burges          4         yes           3,33    gamma
4      Books   London                                  0,00
4      Books   Amsterdam       1         no            2,55    alpha
4      Books   Burges          1         no            2,55    alpha
5      Juice   London                                  0,00
5      Juice   Amsterdam       5         yes           5,55    beta
5      Juice   Burges          5         yes           5,55    beta

In the end every item in Londen should have the same properties as the according item in Burges (or Amsterdam, doesn't matter). 最后,Londen中的每个项目都应与Burges中的相应项目具有相同的属性(或阿姆斯特丹,无关紧要)。 This can't be done manually as there are so many - but I cant find a way to somehow "batch" a SQL-command to update every item with the same no. 因为有这么多,这不能手动完成-但我找不到找到以某种方式“分批” SQL命令以更新具有相同编号的每个项目的方法。

One more problem: As it is a proprietary software I can't definitely say which language is used - but I assume it's Oracle. 另一个问题:由于它是专有软件,所以我不能肯定地说出使用哪种语言-但我认为它是Oracle。

You can join the table on itself in an update. 您可以将表本身加入更新中。

UPDATE table_X lon, table_X bur
SET lon.item=bur.item, lon.score=bur.score, etc
WHERE lon.No=bur.NO AND lon.location="London" AND bur.location="Burges";

That updates London with the data from Burges 从而使用Burges的数据更新了伦敦

In case it's actually SQL Server: 如果实际上是SQL Server:

update lon 
set lon.item = bur.item, lon.score = bur.score, etc
from table_X lon 
inner join table_X bur
    on lon.No = bur.NO
where lon.location='London' AND bur.location='Burges';

If you're actually using Oracle you could use a merge statement (which should work with MSSQL too with a slightly different syntax): 如果您实际上使用的是Oracle,则可以使用merge语句(该语句也应与MSSQL一起使用,语法稍有不同):

  t2.no t2_no,
  t2.score t2_score,
  t2.available t2_available,
  t2.price t2_price,
  t2.some_more_text t2_some_more_text
  FROM table1 t1
  JOIN table1 t2 ON t1.no = t2.no
  WHERE t1.Location='London' AND t2.Location='Burges'
) ON (no = t2_no)
SET score = t2_score, 
    available = t2_available,
    price = t2_price,
    some_more_text = t2_some_more_text;

See the sample SQL Fiddle 参见示例SQL Fiddle

Reference documentation for merge (Oracle 11g). 合并的参考文档 (Oracle 11g)。

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