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[英]integrating Stripe.com and Parse.com with iOS - can't add a subscription to a customer

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

I've been smashing my head against my desk all day trying to figure out why I can't add a Stripe subscription to a customer via Parse. 我整天都在把头砸在桌子上,试图弄清楚为什么我不能通过Parse向客户添加Stripe订阅。

Here is what my dictionary looks like in objective-C: 这是我的字典在Objective-C中的样子:

NSDictionary *productInfo = @{ @"tokenId": token.tokenId,
                               @"plan": @"Test Plan",
                               @"email": currentUser.email };

I'm calling this PFCloud function in the background: 我在后台调用此PFCloud函数:

Parse.Cloud.define("createSubscription", function(request, response) {

var Stripe = require('stripe');

// Test


    card: request.params.tokenId,
    email: request.params.email,
    plan: request.params.plan

},  {

    success: function(httpResponse) {
        response.success("Success - subscription created");

    error: function(httpResponse) {
        response.error("Error - subscription canceled");



I've interchanged "card" with "source" as mentioned in Stripe's documentation: https://stripe.com/docs/tutorials/subscriptions . 我已经将Stripe文档中提到的“卡片”与“源”互换了: https : //stripe.com/docs/tutorials/subscriptions

I've also tried using the plan Id rather than name. 我还尝试过使用计划ID而不是名称。 Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? 有人知道我在做什么错吗?

Edit: I forgot to mention that I am getting this error message, half of which I wrote - [Error]: Error - subscription canceled (Code: 141, Version: 1.6.3). 编辑:我忘了提到我收到此错误消息,我写了其中一半-[错误]:错误-订阅已取消(代码:141,版本:1.6.3)。

For anyone that is interested in integrating Parse and Stripe, here is the solution. 对于有兴趣集成Parse和Stripe的任何人,这里都是解决方案。 I talked to the good people at Stripe customer support and they told me two important things. 我与Stripe客户支持部门的好人进行了交谈,他们告诉了我两件事。

First, if you are using the newest Stripe API version (2015-02-18) then you're going to want to use the key "source" but if you are using an older version then you're going to want to use the key "card". 首先,如果您使用的是最新的Stripe API版本(2015-02-18),则将要使用键“源”,但如果使用的是旧版本,则将要使用钥匙卡”。

Second, make sure to use the ID of your plan rather than it's name for the key "plan". 其次,请确保使用计划的ID而不是密钥“计划”的名称。

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