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[英]Leaderboard : return 5 records, then the one I want, then 4 more records

I'm constructing a leaderboard, and I want a specific user to be in the middle of the returned records. 我正在构建排行榜,并且我希望特定用户位于返回记录的中间。

In other words, I want 5 higher scored users, then the user I want in the middle, then the next 4 lower: 换句话说,我希望获得5个得分较高的用户,然后是我想要在中间的用户,然后是接下来的4个得分较低的用户:

    User, Score
    Rita, 9
    Sue, 8
    Bob, 7
    Bill, 6
    Sam, 5
    **ME, 4** <-- This would be the user I want in the middle.
    Sally, 3
    Simon, 2
    John, 1
    Jim, 0

I could do it in PHP, but just wanted to try and do it with a more elegant SQL statement. 我可以用PHP做到这一点,但只想尝试使用更优雅的SQL语句来实现。

I have literally no idea how I would even approach it! 我真的不知道该如何处理!

Thanks 谢谢

Something to think about: 需要考虑的事情:

SELECT id,name FROM my_table;
| id | name    |
|  1 | Adam    |
|  2 | Ben     |
|  3 | Charlie |
|  4 | Adam    |
|  5 | Ben     |
|  6 | Dan     |

(SELECT id,name FROM my_table ORDER BY id LIMIT 2) x
(SELECT id,name FROM my_table ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2);
| id | name |
|  1 | Adam |
|  2 | Ben  |
|  6 | Dan  |
|  5 | Ben  |

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