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[英]Traversing with jQuery: cycle over children

Hi all I have an html structure like this: 大家好,我有一个类似html的结构:

        <div class="sigle-sz">
            <span class="label-sz">36</span> <input class="" type="tel" value="" name="">
            <div class="available yes">
                <i aria-hidden="true" class="availablespot"></i>
        </div> <!-- /sigle-sz -->
        <div class="sigle-sz">
            <span class="label-sz">38</span> <input class="" type="tel" value="" name="">
            <div class="available yes">
                <i aria-hidden="true" class="availablespot"></i>
        </div> <!-- /sigle-sz -->
        <div class="sigle-sz">
            <span class="label-sz">40</span> <input class="" type="tel" value="" name="">
            <div class="available yes">
                <i aria-hidden="true" class="availablespot"></i>
        </div> <!-- /sigle-sz -->

I created a jQuery function like this: 我创建了这样的jQuery函数:

    function pippo() {

        //code here


    $( document ).ready(function() {

        $( ".sigle-sz" ).on('change', function() {

I would, into the function " pippo() ", cycle the <td> elements in the <tr> tag and save the input value in a variable. 我将在函数“ pippo() ”中循环<tr>标记中的<td>元素,并将输入值保存在变量中。

If this is the $( ".sigle-sz" ) element, how I can do this cycle? 如果this$( ".sigle-sz" )元素,我该怎么做?

I put here my current code: https://jsfiddle.net/ydrunbzz/ 我在这里输入了我当前的代码: https//jsfiddle.net/ydrunbzz/

You can use $.each() jQuery function : 您可以使用$.each() jQuery函数

var values;  // define global var to use everywhere

function pippo(myClass) {
    $.each(("." + myClass), function (index, value) {
        values += value;

Tonnes of ways to solve this with an .each() loop. 用.each()循环解决此问题的大量方法。 I think it's important to have a very readable loop if you are new, or else you'll lose track fast. 我认为重要的是,如果您是新手,请具有非常易读的循环,否则您将很快失去跟踪。

1) global variable 1)全局变量

2) first make sure that the data is gathered when someone writes something in the inputs! 2)首先确保有人在输入中写东西时收集了数据!

3) the pippo function will clear the global variable "arrSigle" (short for Array Sigle), and make sure it's only filled with the current numbers written down 3)pippo函数将清除全局变量“ arrSigle”(Array Sigle的缩写),并确保仅填充当前记录的当前数字

    $(document).ready(function () {

       var arrSigle= [];

       $( ".sigle-sz" ).find("input").on("change", function(){
//just FYI, the "change" only fires when an input has a new value, and lose focus
// by any means. If it annoys you to have to click out of the box for pippo()
//to run, you might want to use "onkeyup" instead of "change".
//it will fire every time someone lets go of a key while inside the input


       function pippo(){
           arrSigle.length = 0; //this clears the variable
           $( ".sigle-sz" ).find("input").each(function(){
                //this itterates over all the inputs and pushes them into the
                //global variable.
           //If you want some function to run right after all the
           //numbers has been gathered, put it right under this comment.


We can all discuss how "efficient" this is, but considering how small your page probably is, i think it's more than justifiable to make it this simple 我们都可以讨论这有多“有效”,但是考虑到您的页面可能有多小,我认为使它变得如此简单是合理的

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