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无法使用带有Xcode 6.2的iOS 8.1模拟器上的WatchKit Extension安装App

[英]Can't Install App with WatchKit Extension on iOS 8.1 Simulator with Xcode 6.2

I have an app with an iOS Deployment Target of iOS 7.0, and I've added a WatchKit target. 我有一个iOS 7.0部署目标的应用程序,我添加了一个WatchKit目标。 As expected, the WatchKit Extension has an iOS Deployment Target of 8.2. 正如预期的那样, WatchKit Extension的iOS部署目标为8.2。 When I run the primary app on the iOS 8.2 simulator, everything works as-expected. 当我在iOS 8.2模拟器上运行主应用程序时,一切都按预期工作。 However, if I try to run it on the iOS 8.1 simulator, Xcode reports: The operation couldn't be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.) 但是,如果我尝试在iOS 8.1模拟器上运行它,Xcode会报告: The operation couldn't be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.) The operation couldn't be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)

The CoreSimulator.log file contains the following message: CoreSimulator.log文件包含以下消息:

com.apple.dt.Xcode[12181] : Error Domain=LaunchServicesError Code=0 "The operation couldn't be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)" UserInfo=0x7ff46e2dc980 {Error=AppexBundleUnknownExtensionPointIdentifier, ErrorDescription=Appex bundle at /Users//Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices//data/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.xmo2ks/extracted/InstallBug.app/PlugIns/InstallBug WatchKit Extension.appex with id com..InstallBug.watchkitextension specifies a value (com.apple.watchkit) for the NSExtensionPointIdentifier key in the NSExtension dictionary in its Info.plist that does not correspond to a known extension point. com.apple.dt.Xcode [12181]:错误Domain = LaunchServicesError Code = 0“操作无法完成。(LaunchServicesError错误0)。”UserInfo = 0x7ff46e2dc980 {Error = AppexBundleUnknownExtensionPointIdentifier,ErrorDescription = Appex bundle at / Users / /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices//data/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.xmo2ks/extracted/InstallBug.app/PlugIns/InstallBug WatchKit Extension.appex,id为com..InstallBug。 watchkitextension为Info.plist中的NSExtension字典中的NSExtensionPointIdentifier键指定一个值(com.apple.watchkit),该值与已知的扩展点不对应。

I don't see any mention of this issue in the release notes, and I'm wondering if this is something that others have encountered. 我在发行说明中没有看到任何关于这个问题的提及,我想知道这是否是其他人遇到的问题。 If so, is there something else that I need to configure to make this work? 如果是这样,我还需要配置一些其他功能吗? If not, I'll file a bug report. 如果没有,我会提交错误报告。

Thanks. 谢谢。

This is a known issue with Xcode 6.2. 这是Xcode 6.2的一个已知问题。

You can workaround it by adding a "MinimumOSVersion" = "8.2" key-value pair to your Apple Watch extensions's Info.plist file. 您可以通过在Apple Watch扩展的Info.plist文件中添加"MinimumOSVersion" = "8.2"键值对来解决此问题。

Users will have to be updated to iOS 8.2 in order to install and run a Watch App. 用户必须更新到iOS 8.2才能安装和运行Watch App。 Anyone not running iOS 8.2+ will not be prompted to install the Watch App and won't even know that it is available. 任何未运行iOS 8.2+的人都不会被提示安装Watch App,甚至不知道它是否可用。 There are several reasons for this. 有几个原因。

  • The Apple Watch iOS App isn't available on iOS until iOS 8.2+ Apple iOS iOS应用程序直到iOS 8.2及更高版本才能在iOS上使用
  • The Watch Extension APIs for an iOS app weren't available until iOS 8.2+ iOS应用程序的Watch Extension API直到iOS 8.2+才可用

There is some additional information here . 有一些额外的信息在这里

Hopefully that helps shed some light. 希望这有助于揭示一些亮点。

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