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[英]Use VLOOKUP but detach the value from the lookup once it is in the cell/looked up

I have the following: 1 Access file with a big list of items that people can order. 我具有以下内容:1访问文件,其中包含人们可以订购的大量项目。 1 Excel file with 2 tabs. 1个带有2个标签的Excel文件。 In the 2nd tab of the Excel file I import the Access table. 在Excel文件的第二个选项卡中,导入Access表。 For each row I have a dropdown list in the first column with the values of the first column of the access table. 对于每一行,我在第一列中都有一个下拉列表,其中包含访问表第一列的值。 In the 2nd column of the first tab I use VLOOKUP to show the price linked to the item of the first column. 在第一个标签的第二列中,我使用VLOOKUP来显示链接到第一列项目的价格。 In the 3rd column of the first tab the user can fill in an amount. 在第一个标签的第3列中,用户可以填写金额。

Here's the catch: in the 4th column of the first Excel Tab I want to show a total so B * C. Nothing hard about that. 这里有个要点:在第一个Excel选项卡的第4列中,我想显示一个总计,所以B *C。 But I want this value to NEVER CHANGE. 但是我希望这个值永远不变。 So even if the Access database is updated I do not want the value of the already calculated cells of column 4 to change. 因此,即使Access数据库已更新,我也不希望更改第4列的已计算单元格的值。

I know it seems pretty unlogical but I really need this. 我知道这似乎很不合逻辑,但我确实需要这个。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? Is there a formula that I am missing? 是否有我缺少的公式?

EDIT from post: The file is to be used be other people than myself. 编辑后:该文件将被本人以外的其他人使用。 If paste special can be done automatically as in like a formula it would help but that doens't exist or I haven't found it. 如果可以像公式一样自动完成特殊粘贴,这将有所帮助,但不存在或我没有找到它。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

If the formula is linked to a connection (eg OLAP cube, a table that is linked to an Access table) then remove the connection before sending the sheet out. 如果公式链接到连接(例如OLAP多维数据集,一个链接到Access表的表),则在发送工作表之前先删除该连接。 See link . 链接
If you distribute the workbooks to people who do not have access to the data itself (not on your network) the issue will solve itself, take away that some dummies will complain about their data disappearing not refreshing. 如果您将工作簿分发给无法访问数据本身的人(不在您的网络上),则问题将自行解决,这可以消除一些假人会抱怨其数据 消失 而不刷新的问题。

The formula you're asking for would refer to itself once it has a value, confer circular reference. 您要求的公式一旦具有值,便会引用自身 ,并提供循环引用。

If used by your close enivronment you might want to have a VBA snipplet insert your formula and then do the PasteSpecial method automatically (you'll have to enable macros on each of the computers involved in this case). 如果由您的封闭环境使用,则可能需要VBA代码片段插入您的公式,然后自动执行PasteSpecial方法(在这种情况下,您必须在每台涉及的计算机上启用宏)。

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