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[英]Spring boot WAR size with different embedded servers

I am doing som experimentation with spring-boot and i realized that when i use embedded Tomcat server the resulting WAR size is smaller than when i use Jetty or even Undertow servers with same rest dependencies. 我正在使用spring-boot进行som实验,我意识到当我使用嵌入式Tomcat服务器时,生成的WAR大小比使用Jetty甚至Undertow服务器时具有相同的其他依赖性。

How is this possible? 这怎么可能? ... it is supposed that Undertow and Jetty should be ultralight compared with tomcat. ...与tomcat相比,Undertow和Jetty应该是超轻型的。

Sizes are: 尺码为:

Tomcat ~18Mb Tomcat~18Mb

Undertow ~21Mb 承诺~21Mb

Jetty ~24Mb 码头~24Mb

Any of them looks too big for me since this is dummy REST endpoint. 它们中的任何一个对我来说都太大了,因为这是虚拟REST端点。 These are my dependencies: 这些是我的依赖:

        <!-- <dependency> -->
        <!-- <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> -->
        <!-- <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId> -->
        <!-- </dependency> -->
        <!-- <dependency> -->
        <!-- <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> -->
        <!-- <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-undertow</artifactId> -->
        <!-- </dependency> -->
<!--        <dependency> -->
<!--            <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> -->
<!--            <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> -->
<!--            <scope>test</scope> -->
<!--        </dependency> -->

Spring Boot includes three sample applications, spring-boot-sample-jetty , spring-boot-sample-tomcat , and spring-boot-sample-undertow , with minimal, and pretty much identical, functionality. Spring Boot包括三个示例应用程序, spring-boot-sample-jettyspring-boot-sample-tomcatspring-boot-sample-undertow ,具有最小的,几乎完全相同的功能。 With Spring Boot 1.2.2.RELEASE, the archives sizes are: 使用Spring Boot 1.2.2.RELEASE,档案大小为:

  • spring-boot-sample-jetty - 12MB spring-boot-sample-jetty - 12MB
  • spring-boot-sample-tomcat - 9.8MB spring-boot-sample-tomcat - 9.8MB
  • spring-boot-sample-undertow - 9.6MB spring-boot-sample-undertow - 9.6MB

As you can see Tomcat and Undertow are pretty much the same and the Jetty artifact is ~20% larger. 正如你所看到的,Tomcat和Undertow几乎相同,Jetty神器大约增加了20%。

One notable reason for the size difference is JSP support. 尺寸差异的一个值得注意的原因是JSP支持。 Undertow doesn't support JSPs and Spring Boot doesn't include Tomcat's JSP support by default. Undertow不支持JSP,Spring Boot默认不包括Tomcat的JSP支持。 ~1.7MB of the Jetty-based archive is taken up by the Eclipse Java compiler that's used for JSP compilation. ~7.7MB的基于Jetty的归档文件由用于JSP编译的Eclipse Java编译器占用。 If you want to use Jetty and aren't using JSPs, you could exclude the org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jsp dependency. 如果要使用Jetty并且不使用JSP,则可以排除org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jsp依赖项。 This reduces the Jetty-based artifact's size to 8.8MB. 这会将基于Jetty的工件的大小减小到8.8MB。

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