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[英](Java) FileChooser only allow specific file?

How is it possible to allow the user only to open a specific file? 怎么可能只允许用户打开特定文件?

In my case I want only to allow to open the "myapplication.exe" file, which could be somewhere on my filesystem, so this is why I need the FileChooser . 就我而言,我只希望打开"myapplication.exe"文件,该文件可能位于我的文件系统上,因此这就是为什么我需要FileChooser

I only know how to allow specific file extensions. 我只知道如何允许特定的文件扩展名。 I could only allow them to open all *.exe files, but this is too much; 我只能允许他们打开所有*.exe文件,但这太过分了。 I only want to allow this one specific file. 我只想允许这个特定文件。

I searched so much, but did not find a solution to this. 我进行了很多搜索,但没有找到解决方案。 I hope you could help me. 我希望你能帮助我。

Is this possible? 这可能吗? If yes, how? 如果是,怎么办?


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