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[英]Rest Api to get Products how to pass filter “status” and “visibility”

$apiUrl = '';

... ...

$oauthClient->setToken($_SESSION['token'], $_SESSION['secret']);

$resourceUrl = "$apiUrl/products?page=1&limit=5";

$oauthClient->fetch($resourceUrl, array(), 'GET', array('Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => '*/*'));
$productsList = json_decode($oauthClient->getLastResponse());


I have getting list of product using rest api but i wants a filter with status=1 and visibility=4 我有使用Rest API的产品列表,但我想要一个状态为1可见性为4的过滤器


But before trying make sure that you are allowed to view and filter by status and visibility. 但是在尝试之前,请确保允许您按状态和可见性查看和过滤。

You can set the allowed attributes from System->Web Services->Rest Attributes and select the role you are using (admin, customer or guest). 您可以从系统-> Web服务->其余属性中设置允许的属性, 然后选择您正在使用的角色(管理员,客户或来宾)。

More info for filter 过滤器的更多信息

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