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执行 Jenkins email-ext 插件不是最后的构建后操作

[英]Executing Jenkins email-ext plugin not as last post-build action

I am using the email-ext plugin v.2.38.1 (post-build action "Editable Email Notification") on Jenkins v.1.566 to send e-mails after the build when certain conditions are met.我在 Jenkins v.1.566 上使用 email-ext 插件 v.2.38.1(构建后操作“可编辑电子邮件通知”)在满足某些条件时在构建后发送电子邮件。

When using multiple post-build actions, I got the impression that the email-ext plugin always comes last and is executed after all other actions, no matter how I put the order of actions in the configuration.当使用多个构建后操作时,我的印象是 email-ext 插件总是排在最后并在所有其他操作之后执行,无论我如何在配置中放置操作顺序。 Other plugins respect the order and are executed accordingly as described in this issue.其他插件遵守顺序并按照本问题中的描述相应地执行

Is there any possibility to execute another post-build action after sending the e-mails?发送电子邮件后是否有可能执行另一个构建后操作? In my case, I would like to run a shell script doing some clean-up in the workspace which cannot run before because it will delete a file that is part of the e-mail body.就我而言,我想运行一个 shell 脚本,在之前无法运行的工作区中进行一些清理,因为它会删除作为电子邮件正文一部分的文件。

One could work around this by defining an extra clean-up job which is triggered after the main job is completed, however, I would prefer having everything defined in one job only.可以通过定义在主要作业完成后触发的额外清理作业来解决此问题,但是,我更愿意只在一项作业中定义所有内容。

The emailing is a publishing action which occures always after build and post build actions ..电子邮件是一种发布操作,它总是在构建和发布构建操作之后发生。

Additionally I think you should clean something before running the job (at startup eventually) but never at the end.此外,我认为您应该在运行作业之前(最终在启动时)清理一些东西,但永远不要在结束时清理。

How can you study your issues if you destroy all materials that should enable you to do so ?如果您销毁了所有应该使您能够这样做的材料,您如何研究您的问题?

Editable Email Notification步骤始终在构建后操作中最后执行,但您可以使用Editable Email Notification Templates步骤,该步骤可以按照您在构建后操作中指定的顺序执行

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