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[英]Excel, drop-down list changes contents of another cell, not formulaic

How do I make one cell display a value based on another cell choice that is a drop-down list selection?如何使一个单元格显示基于下拉列表选择的另一个单元格选择的值? I don't know how to do macros, and I have tried researching.我不知道如何做宏,我已经尝试过研究。 I think the question about displaying a custom state based on an sls file is close, but I don't know what and sls file is or how to code.我认为关于基于 sls 文件显示自定义状态的问题很接近,但我不知道 sls 文件是什么或如何编码。 Is there a simple way to tie two cell values together?有没有一种简单的方法可以将两个单元格值联系在一起? eg.例如。 I want to be able to change the dollar value displayed in cell B (which represents a real cost of a subscription) based on what subscription choice I select from a drop-down list in cell A.我希望能够根据我从单元格 A 的下拉列表中选择的订阅选项来更改单元格 B 中显示的美元价值(代表订阅的实际成本)。

Say cell A1 has a Data Validation pull-down allowing you to select one of:假设单元格A1有一个数据验证下拉菜单,允许您选择以下之一:


In another cell enter:在另一个单元格中输入:

=LOOKUP(A1,{"cat","dog","bird","snake"},{10,20,30,40}) =LOOKUP(A1,{"cat","dog","bird","snake"},{10,20,30,40})


The list in the formula must be in alphabetic order.公式中的列表必须按字母顺序排列。

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