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[英]Hide page until after async call returns

We're using the MaxMind asynchronous geoip2 service to determine the user's country. 我们正在使用MaxMind异步geoip2服务来确定用户所在的国家/地区。 We redirect to another site based on the country code from the service call. 我们根据服务呼叫中的国家/地区代码重定向到另一个站点。 However, we've run into an issue where the page either partially or completely loads before the redirect happens in a second or two, which shows our main US site before redirecting to a country-specific site. 但是,我们遇到了这样的问题:在重定向发生后的一两秒钟内,页面要么部分加载,要么全部加载,这显示了我们在重定向到特定国家/地区站点之前的美国主要站点。

We'd like to prevent the page from displaying until after the asynchronous call returns its result. 我们要阻止页面显示,直到异步调用返回结果为止。 Here's our code: 这是我们的代码:

<script src="//js.maxmind.com/js/apis/geoip2/v2.1/geoip2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var onSuccess = function (location) {
        var country_code = location.country.iso_code;

        if(country_code  == "UK")
            window.location = "http://www.ourcompany.co.uk"
        else if(country_code  == "GB")
            window.location = "http://www.ourcompany.co.uk"
        // more ELSE IF statements for other countries....

    var onError = function (error) { };

    // Asynchronous call to the MaxMind server
    geoip2.country(onSuccess, onError);

Not sure what you mean that you want to prevent the page from loading, but maybe hiding the page will do it? 不确定要阻止页面加载的意思是什么,但是也许隐藏页面可以做到吗? Use css like this: 像这样使用css:

body {
    display: none;

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