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[英]LDAP not returning all attributes

I'm using Ldap to retrieve accounts from AD LDS: 我正在使用Ldap从AD LDS检索帐户:

Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=adminuser,o=myorg,c=uk");
props.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password");
props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldaps://myldapserver:636");
InitialLdapContext context = new InitialLdapContext(props, null);

SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
    // according to javadoc, null means "return all attributes"

NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results =
    context.search(userBase, "cn=SOMEUSER", controls);

The account comes back fine. 该帐户恢复正常。 But not all of SOMEUSER's attributes get returned. 但并非所有SOMEUSER的属性都被返回。

Specifcally, the msDS-UserPasswordExpired attribute never comes back. 具体来说, msDS-UserPasswordExpired属性永远不会返回。

However... if I list that attribute in SearchControls : 但是......如果我在SearchControls列出该属性:

controls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] {
    "msDS-UserPasswordExpired", "cn", "mail"

Then magically it does come back. 然后,奇迹般地它确实回来。

Why? 为什么? Is SearchControl javadoc lying? SearchControl是javadoc说谎吗?

How do I tell it that I really really want all attributes back? 我该如何告诉它,我真的 希望所有的属性回来了?

The workaround is to list every single attribute that I want back. 解决方法是列出我想要的每个属性。 But that's hideous, and will make adding future fields very error-prone. 但这很可怕,并且会增加未来的字段非常容易出错。

The password-control attributes are operational attributes, which aren't returned unless you specifically ask for them. 密码控制属性是操作属性,除非您特别要求,否则不会返回这些属性。

How do I tell it that I really really want all attributes back? 我怎么告诉它我真的想要所有的属性?

You specify new String[]{"*", "+"} as the attribute IDs to return: "*" means all non-operational attributes, and "+" means all operational attributes. 您指定new String[]{"*", "+"}作为要返回的属性ID: "*"表示所有非操作属性, "+"表示所有操作属性。 But this is not generally a good idea. 但这通常不是一个好主意。 There are lots of operational attributes that are none of your business. 有许多操作属性不属于您的业务。 Just ask for what you actually need. 只要问你实际需要什么。

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