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[英]Boost Graph Library undirected_graph: how to specify the vertex type (e.g. as int)?

is it possible to fix the type of the vertices in a boost::undirected_graph such to be, eg, 'int'? 是否可以将boost::undirected_graph中的顶点类型固定为例如'int'?

The 'int' vertex type seems to be the default with the boost::adjacency_list , and the following code works: boost::adjacency_list似乎是默认的'int'顶点类型,以下代码有效:

boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS> g; boost::add_edge(0 , 1 , g);

but fails with an undirected_graph. 但失败并显示undirected_graph。 What additional steps should I do to use the same syntax for adding vertices to an undirected_graph? 我应该执行哪些其他步骤才能使用相同的语法将顶点添加到undirected_graph?

I need to use a bron_kerbosch_all_cliques algorithm which only accepts undirected_graph as input. 我需要使用仅接受undirected_graph作为输入的bron_kerbosch_all_cliques算法。

thanks 谢谢

I need to use a bron_kerbosch_all_cliques algorithm which only accepts undirected_graph as input. 我需要使用仅接受undirected_graph作为输入的bron_kerbosch_all_cliques算法。

The source tells me it accepts generic graphs (as BGL does): 消息人士告诉我,它接受通用图(就像BGL一样):

The docs are hard to find (might be a bug in the quickbook definitions?), but here goes: 很难找到文档(可能是Quickbook定义中的错误吗?),但是这里有:

Requirements: The Graph type must be a model of the AdjacencyMatrix , IncidenceGraph concept and the VertexIndexGraph concepts. 要求: Graph类型必须是AdjacencyMatrixIncidenceGraph概念和VertexIndexGraph概念的模型。 [¹ Any Graph type that implements the edge() function will satisfy the expression requirements for the AdjacencyMatrix , but may incur additional overhead due non-constant time complexity.]. [¹实现edge()函数的任何Graph类型都将满足AdjacencyMatrix的表达式要求,但由于非恒定时间复杂性,可能会产生额外的开销。

Head over to Concepts page in BGL documentation to see which graph types fit the bill. 转到BGL文档中的“ 概念”页面,以查看适合该图的图形类型。

I see that the likely "missing link" is the VertexIndexGraph concept. 我看到了可能的“缺失链接”是VertexIndexGraph概念。 You can likely achieve this by adding a vertex_index_t Interior Property 您可以通过添加一个vertex_index_t Interior属性来实现此目的

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