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[英]Binding Model to List nested model

I have model that has few simple properties and one nested 我有很少的简单属性和一个嵌套的模型

public class GridViewModel 
    public property1 {get;set;}
    public List<Grid> Grids { get; set; }

public class Grid
    public int GridID { get; set; }
    public string GridName { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

In my view I am looping through Model.Grids and list all the properties. 在我看来,我正在遍历Model.Grids并列出所有属性。 When i POST the model back to controller it comes back null. 当我将模型发布回控制器时,它返回null。 I have followed the Haacked instructions on how to bind to a list http://haacked.com/archive/2008/10/23/model-binding-to-a-list.aspx/ Am I missing something? 我遵循了Haacked关于如何绑定到列表的说明, http: //haacked.com/archive/2008/10/23/model-binding-to-a-list.aspx/我是否缺少某些内容? In my view I tried using HiddenFor, TextBoxFor but nothing is coming back 在我看来,我尝试使用HiddenFor,TextBoxFor,但是什么也没回来

 @for (int k = 0; k < Model.Grids.Count(); k++ )
     @Html.HiddenFor(modelItem => Model.Grids[k].GridID)
     @Html.TextBoxFor(modelItem => Model.Grids[k].GridID)
     @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => Model.Grids[k].GridName)
     @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => Model.Grids[k].Description)

Html comes out like HTML出来像

<input id="Grids_1__GridID" name="Grids[1].GridID" type="hidden" value="230">
<input id="Grids_2__GridID" name="Grids[2].GridID" type="hidden" value="231"> 

There was a caveat that I forgot to mention, I was submitting the page through the ActionLink which was passing a different parameter. 我忘了要提一个警告,我是通过ActionLink提交页面的,该页面传递了一个不同的参数。 My Model was coming empty as I was not submitting my page but calling an action. 我的模型空了,因为我没有提交我的页面,而是调用了一个动作。 I have updated the link to a submit button which posts whole model and it was working fine now. 我已经将链接更新为一个提交按钮,该按钮可以发布整个模型,并且现在工作正常。

//used before
@Html.ActionLink("Export Excel", "ExportToExcel", "Grid", new { GridID = "gridsid"}, new { id = "exportExcelLink" })

//switched to
<button type="submit" id="exportLink" name="exportBtn">[Export BTN]</button>

The default binder might be getting confused since you are posting back HiddenFor and TextBoxFor . 由于您要回发HiddenForTextBoxFor因此默认活页夹可能会造成混乱。 I would simply try: 我只是尝试:

@for (var k = 0; k < Model.Grids.Count(); k++)
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Grids[k].GridID)

Make sure it is zero-indexed and you should be good to go. 确保它是零索引的,您应该一切顺利。

Also, notice I use m to index, not Model . 另外,请注意,我使用m来索引,而不是Model

//define int variable
int i=0;

@foreach (var item in Model.Grids)
     @Html.HiddenFor(m=> m.Grids[i].GridID)
     @Html.TextBoxFor(m=> m.Grids[i].GridID)
     @Html.DisplayFor(m=> m.Grids[i].GridID)
     @Html.DisplayFor(m=> m.Grids[i].GridID)

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