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更新后:Drupal 7.35内部服务器错误500

[英]After update: Drupal 7.35 Internal server error 500

After using drush up on my drupal installation to update from drupal version 7.34 to drupal 7.35, I get Internal Server Error 500. 在我的drupal安装上使用drush up从drupal版本7.34更新到drupal 7.35之后,出现内部服务器错误500。

I have moved away .htaccess file and move it back without any result. 我已经移走了.htaccess文件,并将其移回了没有任何结果。

I have uploaded /overwritten the files with the ones downloaded for 7.35 without any result. 我上传/覆盖了文件,并为7.35下载了文件,没有任何结果。

I have deleted everything from my server except for sites/* and themes/* and re-uploaded without any result. 我已从服务器中删除了所有内容(站点/ *和主题/ *除外),然后重新上传,没有任何结果。

I am running out of ideas. 我的想法不多了。 Please help! 请帮忙!

PS Other websites on the same server still work properly so the server itself is not causing the issue. PS同一服务器上的其他网站仍然可以正常工作,因此服务器本身并未引起此问题。

PPS I have also updated Ctools - From Chaos tools 7.x-1.6 to 7.x-1.7 in the same time. PPS我也同时更新了Ctools-从Chaos工具7.x-1.6到7.x-1.7。

Had the same problem. 有同样的问题。 This thread helped: https://www.drupal.org/node/416906 Comment: https://www.drupal.org/node/416906#comment-2831140 by ralgh "I had a "500 Internal Server Error" error on a Rackspace Cloud Site (Mosso). I had to uncomment "RewriteBase /" in the .htaccess file to fix." 该线程帮助了: https ://www.drupal.org/node/416906注释: https ://www.drupal.org/node/416906#comment-2831140 by ralgh“我遇到了“ 500 Internal Server Error”错误一个Rackspace Cloud网站(Mosso)。我必须取消注释.htaccess文件中的“ RewriteBase /”以进行修复。”

In my case was not a .htaccess file error. 就我而言,不是.htaccess文件错误。 Drush makes also backups when updating, and after the error I have copied back all the old overwritten files and I still got the error. Drush在更新时也会进行备份,并且在出现错误之后,我已将所有旧的覆盖文件复制回去,但仍然出现错误。

Drush messes some file write permissions so, the problem was actually fixed by changing the permissions for index.php from 664 to 644. (Grup write permission has to be off and for some reason drush changes that when updating). Drush弄乱了一些文件的写入权限,因此,该问题实际上是通过将index.php的权限从664更改为644来解决的。(必须禁用Grup写入权限,并且由于某些原因,Drush会在更新时进行更改)。

This just happened to me as well, and it turns out it was a file/folder ownership problem, which drush does not account for. 这也发生在我身上,事实证明这是一个文件/文件夹所有权问题,匆忙没有解决。 I ran 'drush up drupal' with the root user; 我以root用户的身份运行“ drupal”。 however, the server was set up to need the specific user for that directory set to the owner. 但是,服务器设置为需要将该目录的特定用户设置为所有者。 Running drush up with the root user had changed some key files/folders ownerships. 与root用户一起运行drush up已更改了一些关键文件/文件夹的所有权。

In my case, all owner/groups had been set to 'root', which caused the 500 error. 在我的情况下,所有所有者/组都设置为“ root”,这导致了500错误。 In filezilla you can see the owner/group of each file/folder in the far right column. 在filezilla中,您可以在最右边的列中看到每个文件/文件夹的所有者/组。 If these are set to root, you need to change them back to the correct owner -- I used ssh and did the following command on the drupal root folder for the site: 如果将它们设置为root,则需要将它们更改回正确的所有者-我使用ssh并在站点的drupal根文件夹中执行了以下命令:


Not sure if this is your issue, but hopefully it helps someone. 不确定这是否是您的问题,但希望它能对某人有所帮助。

I received an Internal Server Error as well after a Drush update. 在Drush更新之后,我也收到了内部服务器错误。 Changing file permissions on the index.php file from 664 to 644 fixed my issue. 将index.php文件的文件权限从664更改为644可以解决我的问题。

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