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Python在txt文件中读取\\ n和\\ r

[英]Python to read \n and \r in a txt file

I have just edited a txt file (file0.txt) with Notepad++ with just clicking the Enter key. 我刚刚用Enterpad ++编辑了一个txt文件(file0.txt),只需单击Enter键。 That´s it, just one line. 就是这样,只需一行。

I have reviewed several StackOverflow questions/answers that relate the differences between \\r and \\n. 我已经回顾了一些与\\ r和\\ n之间的区别有关的StackOverflow问题/答案。 I have confirmed, even visually on the Notepad++ text editor window, that on a Windows OS, a click on the Enter key introduces two ASCII characters, CRLF(\\r\\n). 我已经确认,即使是在Notepad ++文本编辑器窗口上,也已经在Windows操作系统上确认,单击Enter键会引入两个ASCII字符CRLF(\\ r \\ n)。

So, why in the world, when I print the line of the previously edited file using this Python 3.4 code: 因此,为什么在世界上,当我使用此Python 3.4代码打印先前编辑的文件的行时:


for line in ffile:

do I get 我得到


in the terminal instead of: 在终端而不是:


Behind the scenes: 幕后花絮:


open creates an instance of TextIOWrapper open创建一个TextIOWrapper实例

>>> print(ffile)                                                                                                       
<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/asdf' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>

From the docs of TextIOWrapper : TextIOWrapper文档中:

Lines in the input can end in '\\n', '\\r', or '\\r\\n', and these are translated into '\\n' before being returned to the caller 输入中的行可以以'\\ n','\\ r'或'\\ r \\ n'结尾,在返回给调用者之前,这些行会转换为'\\ n'

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