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[英]jQuery event binding on dynamically created DOM elements

Sorry about the ambiguous title but I couldn't think of anything better. 抱歉,标题含糊不清,但我想不出更好的办法。

I've been struggling with this issue for a few days and haven't been able to find a way around it. 我已经为这个问题苦苦挣扎了几天,却一直没有找到解决方法。 A little background about my code: I have a textbox savedInfo and it stores values from different sessions. 关于我的代码的一些背景知识:我有一个文本框savedInfo ,它存储了来自不同会话的值。 So if savedInfo is empty, I'd like to confront the user with another textbox . 因此,如果savedInfo为空,我想用另一个textbox来面对用户。 Once the user inputs info into the textbox and presses enter then the .val() of the textbox goes to savedInfo and the textbox is replaced with a label that has 2 buttons that appear when hovered. 一旦用户输入信息到textbox和按压enter然后.val()textbox转到savedInfotextbox被替换为具有盘旋时出现的2个按钮的标签。 These two buttons give the user the ability to remove or save the textbox . 这两个按钮使用户可以删除或保存textbox

The problem I am having is that my code doesn't seem to flow correctly. 我遇到的问题是我的代码似乎无法正确流动。 For instance, I have an if statement that checks if savedInfo is empty and if it isn't then show the label text of savedInfo . 例如,我有一个if语句,用于检查savedInfo是否为空,如果不为空,则显示savedInfo的标签文本。 Then INSIDE the keypress function I check if one of the hover buttons is pressed but the code doesn't work since it is inside the keypress function. 然后在keypress功能内部,我检查是否有一个悬停按钮被按下,但是代码不起作用,因为它在keypress功能内部。 If I take it out of the keypress function then it doesn't work for when the keypress label appears. 如果我将其从keypress功能中keypress则当keypress标签出现时,它将无法正常工作。

Probably best if I explain with pseudo code: 如果我用伪代码解释可能最好:

$(document).ready(function() {
if($("savedInfo").val() != "") {
  someDiv..innerHTML(<label>$("savedInfo").val() + hover shows buttons</label>);
} else {
   //Create textbox id `textbox`

$(function() {
    $("#textbox").keypress(function(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13) {
        //set innerHTML to a label with text of `textbox`. 
        //Check if button#1 is pressed. If yes, then do something

        //Check if button#2 is pressed. If yes, then do something

So the button#1 and button#2 ids are being created inside the if but don't work inside the if because they are inside the keypress. 因此,button#1和button#2 ids是在if中创建的,但是在if中则无法使用,因为它们在按键内部。

I hope this wasn't too confusing. 我希望这不会太令人困惑。 Any ideas on how to make this work better? 关于如何使这项工作更好的任何想法? Thanks 谢谢

Here's a working example with jQuery based off of your requirements. 这是一个基于您的需求的jQuery工作示例。

I really don't understand what the use case is here though and it begs a few questions about reuse of the original text-box, whether this is going to occur multiple times on a page or not, why you wouldn't just show the buttons right away (vs assuming the user knows that they must press enter), and whether this could be better solved using templates? 我真的不明白用例是什么,它引起了一些有关原始文本框重用的问题,无论这是否会在页面上多次出现,为什么您不只显示按钮(假设用户知道他们必须按Enter键),是否可以使用模板更好地解决此问题? Seems that this is more difficult than it should be for such a simple interaction. 似乎这比进行这种简单的交互要困难得多。

Anyhow, I hope this helps move you forward. 无论如何,我希望这能帮助您前进。

 (function () { function promptForInfo(elem) { var html = "<div id='newInfoContainer'><label>New info: <input id='newInfo' type='text' placeholder='Please provide info...' /></label></div>"; $(elem).parent().append(html); $("#newInfo") .focus() .on("keydown", function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { $(elem).val(this.value); $(this).parent().remove(); var buttonsHtml = "<div id='buttonContainer'><input class='saveButton' type='button' value='Save' /><input class='removeButton' type='button' value='Remove' /></div>"; $(elem).parent().append(buttonsHtml); $(".saveButton").on("click", function (e) { saveInfo(e); }); $(".removeButton").on("click", function (e) { removeInfo(e); }); } }); } function saveInfo(e) { $(e.target.parentElement).remove(); $("body").append("<p>Saved</p>"); } function removeInfo(e) { $(e.target.parentElement).remove(); $("#savedInfo").val(""); $("body").append("<p>Removed</p>"); } function inspectSavedInfo() { if (!$("#savedInfo").val()) { promptForInfo($("#savedInfo")); } } $(document).ready(function () { // Inspect on any change after init $("#savedInfo").on("change", function () { inspectSavedInfo(); }); // Trigger Inspection of savedInfo on init inspectSavedInfo(); }); }()); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="savedInfoContainer"> <label>Saved Info: <input id="savedInfo" type="text" value="" /></label> </div> 

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