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[英]Adding int values to char array ASCII value C# & JAVA

in Java you can easily add an int value to a char array without defining it like this 在Java中,您可以轻松将int值添加到char数组中,而无需像这样定义它

String name = " maisam is my name ";
        char[] arr = name.toCharArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

            arr[i] += 100;


but in c# you need to mention (char) while adding value 但是在C#中,您需要在增加价值时提及(char)

string name = " maisam is my name ";
        char[] arr = name.ToCharArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {

            arr[i] += (char) 100;

I tried both ways in Java, worked perfectly , no error but in c# it gave me an error, why is that ? 我在Java中尝试了两种方法,都运行良好,没有错误,但是在C#中却给了我一个错误,为什么呢? I searched everywhere didn't find any explanation regarding it ! 我到处搜索,没有找到任何解释!

This is more about what's going on behind the scenes rather than a syntax difference. 这更多是关于幕后情况,而不是语法差异。 You cast the same way in Java as you do in C#, but you just don't need to in this piece of Java code. 您在Java中的转换方式与在C#中相同,但是您不需要在这段Java代码中进行转换。 In Java it automatically casts the int to a char type. 在Java中,它会自动将int强制转换为char类型。 But C# works differently, you must cast the value. 但是C#的工作原理有所不同,您必须强制转换值。 It seems as though C# is a bit more strongly typed than Java. 似乎C#比Java具有更强的类型。

this should work. 这应该工作。 c# implicitly casts char to int, but not int to char, so you have to cast the added int value to char before assigning to char array.. c#隐式将char转换为int,但不将int转换为char,因此在分配给char数组之前,必须将添加的int值转换为char。

string name = " maisam is my name ";
char[] arr = name.ToCharArray();

for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
    arr[i] = (char)(arr[i] + 100);

EDIT: the code arr[i] += (char)100; 编辑:代码arr[i] += (char)100; also works fine. 也可以。 The above code is just an elaboration of the same code. 上面的代码只是对相同代码的阐述。

In simple words, there is no implicit conversion from int to char in C# 简单来说, C#没有从intchar隐式转换。

What you will have for C# int are, C# int

int -> long , float, double, or decimal

See the other availability from this source . 请参阅此来源中的其他可用性。

Since you don't have an implicit conversion like 由于您没有像这样的隐式转换

char c = 100 ;

But should use Explicit conversion 但是应该使用显式转换

char c = (char) 100 ; 

Also here it is : C# char ( source ) 同样在这里是: C# charsource

Conversions 转换次数

A char can be implicitly converted to ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, or decimal. 字符可以隐式转换为ushort,int,uint,long,ulong,float,double或小数。 However, there are no implicit conversions from other types to the char type. 但是,没有从其他类型到char类型的隐式转换。

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