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[英]Aborting Parallel.Foreach

I'm using Parallel.ForEach for achieving parallelism, I was wondering is there any way that I can stop the execution of Parallel.ForEach once any one the requests complete. 我正在使用Parallel.ForEach实现并行性,我想知道有什么方法可以在任何一个请求完成后停止执行Parallel.ForEach For example consider the following code: 例如,考虑以下代码:

IEnumerable<string> myList = new List<string>() { "admin", "admin2", "admin3" };
CancellationTokenSource _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    admin_name =>

The above code prints admin , admin2 and admin3 . 上面的代码显示adminadmin2admin3 I want to stop further execution if any of the admin names is printed. 如果要打印任何管理员名称,我想停止进一步执行。

Is this achievable? 这可以实现吗? Or is there any work around available? 还是有其他解决方法?

I am open to suggestions and improvement. 我愿意提出建议和改进。

There is an overload of Parallel.ForEach which passes a ParallelLoopState to your delegate, this can be use to break out of the Parallel.ForEach , ie: 有过载Parallel.ForEach它传递一个ParallelLoopState到您的代理,这样可以利用打出来的的Parallel.ForEach ,即:

Parallel.ForEach(myList, (admin_name, state) => 

    // Stop other iterations

What you will need to bear in mind is that this will not be atomic, other delegates which have already started will continue to execute, unless they explicitly check state.IsStopped . 您需要记住的是,这将不是原子的,已经启动的其他委托将继续执行,除非他们明确检查state.IsStopped

Instead of ParallelLoopState.Stop() you may desire ParallelLoopState.Break() . 代替ParallelLoopState.Stop()您可能希望使用ParallelLoopState.Break()

Some further information about Stop() and Break() can be found at How to: Stop or Break from a Parallel.For Loop . 有关Stop()Break()更多信息,请参见如何:从Parallel.For循环停止或中断

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