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[英]PHP - Force function parameter to integer

In PHP you can do the following thing: 在PHP中,您可以执行以下操作:

class Something {// bla bla}

function functionName(Something $object) {
    // Do stuff here  ^^^^^^^^^

This ensures that function received an instance of Something class. 这样可以确保函数收到Something类的实例。

My problem is that I want to enforce to a basic type. 我的问题是我想强制使用基本类型。

function functionName(integer $someInt) {
    // Do stuff here  ^^^^^^^

This says that $someInt is "not an instance of integer, integer given" (with my PHP version below 7.0). 这表示$ someInt是“不是整数的实例,给出了整数”(我的PHP版本低于7.0)。 How can you enforce to a basic type? 如何将其强制为基本类型?

You can't do this for scalar types see the manual: 对于标量类型,您不能执行此操作,请参见手册:

And a quote from there: 从那里引用:

Type hints cannot be used with scalar types such as int or string . 类型提示不能与int或string等标量类型一起使用 Resources and Traits are not allowed either. 资源和特质也不被允许。

But you will be able to to this with PHP 7: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/scalar_type_hints_v5 但是您可以使用PHP 7做到这一点: https : //wiki.php.net/rfc/scalar_type_hints_v5

You can't typehint scalar types in PHP. 您不能在PHP中键入提示标量类型。 The only chance is to use a wrapper type. 唯一的机会是使用包装器类型。 The SPL library ships with SplInt for that purpose. 为此, SplInt附带了SPL库。

Update: Looks like PHP 7 offers that feature. 更新:看起来PHP 7提供了该功能。 Sigh, times changed :) 叹息,时代变了:)

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