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[英]Laravel - How can select data in 4 tables at a time using Eloquent ORM?

I have 4 tables: products , attributes , attribute_groups , attribute_product . 我有4个表: productsattributesattribute_groupsattribute_product

Product - Attribute: Many to Many. 产品-属性:多对多。

Attribute - Attribute Group: One to Many. 属性-属性组:一对多。

Using Eloquent ORM, how can I fetch a nested object to show data like that: 使用雄辩的ORM,我如何获取嵌套对象以显示类似的数据:

@foreach($product->attributeGroups as $attributeGroup)

    <div class="form-group">
        <label>{{ $attributeGroup->name }}:</label>
        {{ Form::select('attributes[$attributeGroup->id][]', $attributeGroup->attributes, null, ['class' => 'form-control input-sm']) }}


Within your Product model, simply added the following 在您的产品模型中,只需添加以下内容

class Product extends Eloquent {
     protected $with = ['attributeGroups.attributes'];

     public function attributeGroups() {
          return $this->belongsToMany('AttributeGroup');


This will auto/eager load your relationships with every request of the Product resource model. 这将自动/渴望通过产品资源模型的每个请求加载您的关系。

Here is an example of what your AttributeGroup eloquent model should look like. 这是AttributeGroup雄辩模型的外观示例。

class AttributeGroup extends Eloquent {
      protected $table = 'attribute_groups';

      public function attributes() {
           return $this->belongsToMany('Attribute');

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