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String s = s1 + s2;(s1和s2是字符串文字)从何处返回? 堆或池

[英]Where does String s= s1+s2;(s1 & s2 are String literals) returns from? heap or pool

    String s1="abc";                 //pool
    String s2="abccde";              //pool
    String s3="cde";                 //pool
    String s4=s1+s3;                 //heap
    String s5=new String("abccde");  //heap


I was expecting false,true false BUT got all false in result. 我原本以为是假,但真是假,但结果都是假。 While i tried using .intern(); 当我尝试使用.intern();时 in s4 i got true for s2==s4 meaning after intern(); 在s4中,我对s2 == s4表示正确,这意味着在intern()之后; it returned from pool so earlier it was returning from heap, so why not s4==s5 is giving true? 它是从池中返回的,因此它较早时是从堆中返回的,那么为什么s4 == s5不为true?

Thanks 谢谢

Because new always creates a new object and has no chance of returning one from a pool? 因为new总是创建一个新对象并且没有机会从池中返回一个对象? It's a constructor, not a factory method like intern(). 它是一个构造函数,而不是像intern()这样的工厂方法。

None of those will ever identity equal s5 , as you explicitly used the new keyword. 就像您显式使用new关键字一样,这些标识符都不会等于s5

If the compiler can determine that s1 and s3 are literal constants, it will treat the concat as a literal constant . 如果编译器可以确定s1s3是文字常量,则它将concat视为文字常量 However, it is not a given that the compiler can make that determination. 但是,编译器可以做出确定的决定不是很明确。


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