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[英]complete action using dialog in adview

I am having a strange problem with Adview. 我在使用Adview时遇到了一个奇怪的问题。 I was checking my android code on device and when I clicked on Adview banner, I got "Complete Action using" dialog box. 我在设备上检查我的android代码,当我单击Adview标语时,出现“使用完成操作”对话框。 But now, when I tried to open the app again, it got struck at "complete action using" dialog box. 但是现在,当我尝试再次打开该应用程序时,它被“完成操作使用”对话框所打动。 I searched stackoverflow for last 1 hour but did not find any answer. 我搜索了过去1小时的stackoverflow,但未找到任何答案。 Below is the onCreate() of my Main activity 以下是我主要活动的onCreate()

AdView adView = (AdView) findViewById(R.id.ads_text);
    AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();

And the Manifest for Adview is 而Adview清单是

<activity android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.AdActivity" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"

Hope to see a quick answer soon. 希望很快能找到答案。 Thnaks! na!

You didn't mention what options were in your "Complete Action using" dialog, but I suspect it will be a couple of web browsers. 您没有在“使用完整操作”对话框中提到什么选项,但是我怀疑它将是几个Web浏览器。

This is entirely normal. 这是完全正常的。 When an app provides an Action Intent to the Android framework for actioning, if the Android framework has more than one app that could complete the Action (and no default has yet been selected) then it prompts the user for which app to use. 当一个应用程序向Android框架提供操作意图以进行操作时,如果Android框架具有多个可以完成该操作的应用程序(并且尚未选择默认值),则会提示用户使用哪个应用程序。

It sounds like you have installed an app that has declared that it can respond to View URL Intents. 听起来您已经安装了一个声明可以响应“查看URL意图”的应用。 SO you are getting that app along with your std browser being offered as consumers. 因此,您将以消费者的身份获得该应用程序以及您的标准浏览器。

Nothing to see here. 这没东西看。 Move along. 向前走。

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