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[英]Angular Routing with UI-route issue

Im new at Angular and I've been following this tutorial . 我是Angular的新手,我一直在关注本教程 Everything was going good and until I reach the part where Angular Routing was supposed to happened. 一切都很好,直到我到达了应该进行角路由的那部分。 I could not find the error. 我找不到错误。 If anybody could give me a hand that wold be great! 如果有人可以帮我,那太棒了! Here is the plunker . 这是the

Here's the app (app3.js): 这是应用程序(app3.js):

var app = angular.module('futbol', ['ui.router'])        
    app.factory('jugadores', [function(){
      var o = {
        jugadores: []
        /*jugadores: [
          {nombre: 'Hernan', goles: 5},
          {nombre: 'Ricardo', goles: 2},
          {nombre: 'Tiago', goles: 15},
          {nombre: 'Marcelo', goles: 9},
          {nombre: 'German', goles: 4}
      return o;
    app.controller('MainCtrl', [
        $scope.jugadores = jugadores.jugadores;
        $scope.test = 'HOLA!';
        $scope.addJugador = function(){
          $scope.jugadores.push({nombre: $scope.nombre, goles: 0});
          $scope.nombre = '';
        $scope.incrementGoles = function(jugador) {
          jugador.goles += 1;
    function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

        .state('home', {
          url: '/home',
          templateUrl: '/home.html',
          controller: 'MainCtrl'


Go to plunker link to see the HTML. 转到链接链接查看HTML。

Thanks 谢谢

There is updated and running plunker 更新且正在运行的插件

To make it running we need a root anchor/target ui-view="" for our state: 为了使它运行,我们需要一个root anchor / target ui-view=""作为状态:

<body ng-app="futbol">  

    <div ui-view=""></div>

And also, this should be the otherwise (not just 'home') : 而且,这应该是其他方式(不仅仅是“家”)


It says which url should be used as default... 它说应该使用哪个URL作为默认值...

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