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Winforms DataGridView CellEndEdit循环

[英]Winforms DataGridView CellEndEdit Loops

For an assignment, we're creating a simple spreadsheet program, similar to Excel. 对于作业,我们正在创建一个简单的电子表格程序,类似于Excel。 The cells in my DataGridView are editable by the user, and multiple things happen when the user edits a cell. 用户可以编辑DataGridView中的单元格,并且用户编辑单元格时会发生多种情况。 Similar to Excel, if you were to type =A1 into cell A2, A2's value changes to be equal to the value of cell A1, and the text that the user sees updates to reflect this. 与Excel相似,如果要在单元格A2中键入=A1 ,则A2的值将更改为等于单元格A1的值,并且用户看到的文本会更新以反映这一点。 However, A2's text property needs to remain as =A1 in case A1's value changes. 但是,如果A1的值发生更改,则A2的text属性需要保留为=A1 While debugging my code, I noticed that my CellEndEdit function was looping through twice, although there are no loops involved. 在调试代码时,我注意到我的CellEndEdit函数循环了两次,尽管没有涉及循环。

private void dataGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        RealCell cell = spreadsheet.GetCell(e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex) as RealCell;

        //set the spreadsheet cell's text to reflect the user's edit
        if (dataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value != null)
            cell.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value.ToString();

This is a big problem, because it resets the cell's text once more than it should. 这是一个大问题,因为它会重置单元格的文本一次以上。 Are CellEndEdit functions supposed to loop through twice? CellEndEdit函数是否应该循环两次? How can I stop this from happening? 我该如何阻止这种情况的发生? Thanks! 谢谢!

CellEndEdit will be triggered when changing the cell value. 更改单元格值时将触发CellEndEdit

So in your case, input value to A1, trigger CellEndEdit 因此,在您的情况下,将值输入A1,触发CellEndEdit

Then your code set A2 cell = A1's value, trigger another CellEndEdit 然后您的代码设置A2单元格= A1的值,触发另一个CellEndEdit

You can add a bool to control if you need to suppress the event manually. 您可以添加布尔值来控制是否需要手动取消事件。

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