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[英]How to download files from remote windows server

What would be the best way of downloading / uploading files / directory to / from remote windows server and local windows machine using python scripting language? 使用python脚本语言从远程Windows服务器和本地Windows计算机上将文件/目录下载/上传到/从远程Windows服务器和本地Windows计算机上上传/目录的最佳方法是什么?

Modules I heard of are paramiko and fabric... 我听说过的模块是paramiko和fabric ...

Apart from these any other good option/choice? 除了这些其他好的选择/选择?

It depends on the protocol you are using, if the file is big, use UDP, if the file is small use TCP, if the file is small use SSH. 这取决于您使用的协议,如果文件很大,请使用UDP,如果文件很小,请使用TCP,如果文件很小,请使用SSH。 You don's necessarily need paramiko or fabric to communicate with another computer, since they are for ssh connections. 您不一定需要paramiko或Fabric与另一台计算机进行通信,因为它们用于ssh连接。 If you know the protocol, then it is easier to communicate. 如果您知道该协议,则通信会更容易。

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