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[英]ThreadPool Executor not executing threads in GAE

I am trying to use executor framework in Google App engine. 我正在尝试在Google App引擎中使用执行程序框架。 Bellow is the code that I am trying to run. 贝娄是我正在尝试运行的代码。

Thread thread = ThreadManager.createBackgroundThread(new Runnable(){
            public void run(){
                                  LOGGER.info( "Checking background thread");                            
                          catch (InterruptedException ex){
                                           throw new RuntimeException("Exception:", ex);
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10, ThreadManager.backgroundThreadFactory());
executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(thread, 0, 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

But this doesn't start the thread. 但这不会启动线程。 But if I use thread.start() it works properly. 但是,如果我使用thread.start(),它可以正常工作。 I have checked Whitelisted Classes and it does provide Executor classes. 我检查了列入白名单的类 ,它确实提供了执行器类。 So where I am doing it wrong ? 那么,我在哪里做错了?

Saikat, Saikat,

You should always try to avoid creating threads on App Engine, because of it's distributed and dynamic nature it tends to have really bad/unexpected results. 您应始终避免在App Engine上创建线程,因为它具有分布性和动态性,因此往往会产生非常不好的/意外的结果。

In your case multiple instances will spawn multiple (local) threads sending many times the same notification. 在您的情况下,多个实例将产生多个(本地)线程,发送多次相同的通知。 Also, bear in mind GAE front end instances have a 1 minute request limit , so after that time the server will kill that request. 另外,请记住GAE前端实例的请求限制1分钟 ,因此在那之后服务器将终止该请求。

Fortunately App Engine provides the Cron service for exactly this situations. 幸运的是,App Engine在这种情况下提供了Cron服务

The Cron Service will allow you to schedule a job to run at a given time or every given period. Cron服务可让您安排作业在给定的时间或每个给定的时间段运行。 When the cron is triggered GAE will call a configured URL so you can do your process, in your case send notifications. 触发cron时,GAE将调用已配置的URL,以便您可以进行处理(在这种情况下,请发送通知)。

Eg:(from the link provided) 例如:(通过提供的链接)

    <description>Mail out a weekly report</description>
    <schedule>every monday 08:30</schedule>

will make an HTTP request to /weeklyreport every monday @8:30. 会在每个星期一@ 8:30向/ weeklyreport发出HTTP请求。

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