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[英]Getting mp3 cover art via TagLib using Qt

I'm making an audioplayer for my course project in university. 我正在为大学的课程项目制作音频播放器。 I'm a first-year student, so I'm not a professional programmer. 我是一年级学生,所以我不是专业程序员。

I'm using Qt 5.4 and QtCreator 3.3.1. 我正在使用Qt 5.4和QtCreator 3.3.1。 I've included bass.dll and TagLib libraries to work with audiofiles. 我包括了bass.dll和TagLib库,可用于音频文件。 What am I trying to do is to get the song's cover art and pass it to QLabel (or any other widget if more convenient) on my player's GUI. 我想做的是获取歌曲的封面,并将其传递到播放器GUI上的QLabel(或其他窗口小部件,如果更方便的话)。 I haven't really figured out how to do it. 我还没有真正弄清楚该怎么做。 I've been searching for examples for a while but I always end up in having errors or wrong examples. 我一直在寻找示例,但最终总是遇到错误或错误的示例。 Below is the last code I've tried to use. 以下是我尝试使用的最后一个代码。

TagLib::MPEG::File file(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(curSong->path.constData()));
TagLib::ID3v2::Tag *m_tag = file.ID3v2Tag(true);
TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList frameList = m_tag->frameList("APIC");
   if(frameList.isEmpty()) {
       return QImage();

   TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *coverImg = static_cast<TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *>(frameList.front());

   QImage coverQImg;
   coverQImg.loadFromData((const uchar *) coverImg->picture().data(), coverImg->picture().size());

   return coverQImg;

This one doesn't work for me because it causes errors such as 这对我不起作用,因为它会导致诸如

C:\Qt\Projects\audioPlayer\mainwindow.cpp:553: error: undefined reference to `TagLib::List<TagLib::ID3v2::Frame*>::List(TagLib::List<TagLib::ID3v2::Frame*> const&)'

I suppose I've messed up with libraries, but I'm sure I've included id3v2frame.h and id3v2tag.h 我想我已经弄乱了库,但是我确定我已经包含了id3v2frame.h和id​​3v2tag.h

不知道在哪里找到了id3v3frame.h (最新版本是id3v2frame.h ),但是TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList是在id3v2tag.h声明的。

You may explore a solution with ffmpeg . 您可以使用ffmpeg探索解决方案。

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -an -vcodec copy cover.jpg

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