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[英]In go (golang), how can you cast an interface pointer into a struct pointer?

I want to use some external code that requires a pointer to a struct. 我想使用一些需要指向结构的指针的外部代码。 At the point that the code is called, I have an interface variable. 在调用代码时,我有一个接口变量。

When creating a pointer off of that variable, the pointer's type is interface{}* when I need it to be the pointer type of the struct's type. 当从该变量创建指针时,指针的类型是interface{}*当我需要它作为struct的类型的指针类型时。

Image the code in TestCanGetStructPointer does not know about the Cat class , and that it exists in some external package. 图像TestCanGetStructPointer 的代码不知道Cat类 ,并且它存在于某个外部包中。

How can I cast it to this? 我怎么能把它投到这个?

Here is a code sample: 这是一个代码示例:

import (

type Cat struct {
    name string

type SomethingGeneric struct {
    getSomething func() interface{}

func getSomeCat() interface{} {
    return Cat{}

var somethingForCats = SomethingGeneric{getSomething: getSomeCat}

func TestCanGetStructPointer(t *testing.T) {
    interfaceVariable := somethingForCats.getSomething()

    pointer := &interfaceVariable

    interfaceVarType := reflect.TypeOf(interfaceVariable)
    structPointerType := reflect.PtrTo(interfaceVarType)
    pointerType := reflect.TypeOf(pointer)

    if pointerType != structPointerType {
        t.Errorf("Pointer type was %v but expected %v", pointerType, structPointerType)


The test fails with: 测试失败了:

Pointer type was *interface {} but expected *parameterized.Cat

@dyoo's example does work, but it relies on you to manually cast Dog and Cat . @dyoo的例子确实有用,但它依赖于你手动施放DogCat

Here's a bit of a convoluted/verbose example which avoids that constraint somewhat: 这里有一个复杂/冗长的例子,它在某种程度上避免了这种约束:

package main

import (

type Cat struct {
    name string

type SomethingGeneric struct {
    getSomething func() interface{}

func getSomeCat() interface{} {
    return Cat{name: "Fuzzy Wuzzy"}

var somethingForCats = SomethingGeneric{getSomething: getSomeCat}

func main() {
    interfaceVariable := somethingForCats.getSomething()
    castVar := reflect.ValueOf(interfaceVariable)

    // If you want a pointer, do this:

    // The deref'd val
    if castVar.Type() != reflect.TypeOf(Cat{}) {
        fmt.Printf("Type was %v but expected %v\n", castVar, reflect.TypeOf(&Cat{}))
    } else {

Playground Link 游乐场链接

The following may help: http://play.golang.org/p/XkdzeizPpP 以下内容可能有所帮助: http//play.golang.org/p/XkdzeizPpP

package main

import (

type Cat struct {
    name string

type Dog struct {
    name string

type SomethingGeneric struct {
    getSomething func() interface{}

func getSomeCat() interface{} {
    return Cat{name: "garfield"}

func getSomeDog() interface{} {
    return Dog{name: "fido"}

var somethings = []SomethingGeneric{
    SomethingGeneric{getSomething: getSomeCat},
    SomethingGeneric{getSomething: getSomeDog},

func main() {
    for _, something := range somethings {
        interfaceVariable := something.getSomething()

        cat, isCat := interfaceVariable.(Cat)
        dog, isDog := interfaceVariable.(Dog)

        fmt.Printf("cat %v %v\n", cat, isCat)
        fmt.Printf("dog %v %v\n", dog, isDog)

I found this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/KB3_Yj3Ny4c 我找到了这个主题: https//groups.google.com/forum/#!topic / golang -nuts / KB3_Yj3Ny4c

package main

import (

type Cat struct {
    name string

// Return a pointer to the supplied struct via interface{}
func to_struct_ptr(obj interface{}) interface{} {

    fmt.Println("obj is a", reflect.TypeOf(obj).Name())

    // Create a new instance of the underlying type 
    vp := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(obj))

    // Should be a *Cat and Cat respectively
    fmt.Println("vp is", vp.Type(), " to a ", vp.Elem().Type())


    // NOTE: `vp.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(&obj).Elem())` does not work

    // Return a `Cat` pointer to obj -- i.e. &obj.(*Cat)
    return vp.Interface()

// Dump out a pointer ...
func test_ptr(ptr interface{}) {
    v := reflect.ValueOf(ptr)
    fmt.Println("ptr is a", v.Type(), "to a", reflect.Indirect(v).Type())

func main() {
    cat := Cat{name: "Fuzzy Wuzzy"}

    // Reports "*main.Cat"

    // Get a "*Cat" generically via interface{}
    sp := to_struct_ptr(cat)

    // *should* report "*main.Cat" also

    fmt.Println("sp is",sp)

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