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[英]Show tooltip on mouseover of a disabled dropdown

 countLabel() == 0 ? $('#' + uniqueValueee + 'AndOrSelection').prop("disabled", true) : $('#' + uniqueValueee + 'AndOrSelection').prop("disabled", false);

Using the above code I am able to disable the selection of the dropdown. 使用上面的代码,我可以禁用下拉列表的选择。 I also want to show a tooltip saying why the dropdown is disabled. 我还想显示一个工具提示,说明为什么禁用下拉列表。 For that I have written a function on @onmouseover = "showToolTip(this.id)" on my razor dropdownlist. 为此,我在剃须刀下拉列表的@onmouseover = "showToolTip(this.id)"上编写了一个函数。

function showToolTip(id)

If i write the code on other dropdowns which are enabled it works fine. 如果我在enabled其他下拉菜单上编写代码,则可以正常工作。 But when the disabled dropdown is mose overed, the js function doesn't fire. 但是,当禁用下拉菜单时,js函数不会触发。 Plus in chorome i am also not able to inspect element. 再加上在脊索肌中,我也无法检查元素。 Please help. 请帮忙。

Try this on your razor view. 在剃刀视图上尝试一下。 I tested it and it is working perfectly for both condition (ddl enabled & disabled): 我对其进行了测试,并且在两种情况下(ddl已启用和已禁用)都可以正常运行:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.City, new SelectList(Model.Lookups.Where(x => x.LookupType == "City"),
    "LookupID", "LookupValue"), "---- Select ----", new { disabled= true, @Title= "Tooltip here" })

Please attention to the properties below: 请注意以下属性:

new { disabled= true, @Title= "Tooltip here" }

Then here is the result with enabled and disabled option: 然后是启用和禁用选项的结果:


Hope this helps... 希望这可以帮助...

Usually, HTML disabled elements do not facilitate any JS events like hover, click, etc. For your purpose, you put a div overlay with higher z-index such that it acts as a disabled area. 通常,禁用HTML的元素不会促进任何JS事件(例如,悬停,单击等)。出于您的目的,您将div叠加层具有较高的z-index ,使其充当了禁用区域。 Then you can define the hover event on the div itself. 然后,您可以在div本身上定义悬停事件。

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