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[英]Multiplexing several ingested audio streams and one video stream with Azure Media Services

We are looking into developing a web application that streams video from one source and audio from several locations. 我们正在研究开发一种Web应用程序,该应用程序可以从一个源流式传输视频,并从多个位置流式传输音频。 In the future, we may consider streaming video from multiple locations also. 将来,我们可能还会考虑从多个位置流式传输视频。

The content will be delivered to multiple clients and must be thus packaged as one output stream. 内容将交付给多个客户端,因此必须打包为一个输出流。 From what we could find on Media Services docs, there is no builtin way to multiplex the incoming streams into one output stream to be delivered to users. 从我们在Media Services文档中可以找到的内容来看,没有内置的方法可以将传入流多路复用为一个输出流以交付给用户。

How could one multiplex several AV sources with Azure Media Services. 如何将多个AV源与Azure Media Services复用。 Please note that "locations" was used deliberately to signify that the AV sources will be in different physical locations and as such, the multiplexing cannot be done locally on one computer. 请注意,故意使用“位置”来表示AV源将位于不同的物理位置,因此,不能在一台计算机上本地进行多路复用。

Azure Media Services supports Adobe RTMP and Microsoft Smooth (fMP4) ingest. Azure媒体服务支持Adobe RTMP和Microsoft Smooth(fMP4)提取。 The Microsoft Smooth protocol will allow you to send independent streams containing video or audio, that are synchronized by timestamp. Microsoft Smooth协议将允许您发送包含视频或音频的独立流,这些流通过时间戳进行同步。 RTMP will support multiple audio tracks, but I don't believe multiple video tracks are supported. RTMP将支持多个音频轨道,但我不认为支持多个视频轨道。

When you create a Channel for Smooth (fMP4) ingest you will have access to an ingest end point which you can send media to from multiple end points, for example, http://domain/ingest.isml/Streams(video_camera_angle1) , .../Streams(video_camera_angle2), .../Streams(audio_en), .../Streams(audio_sp), .../Streams(audio_fr). 在创建用于平滑(fMP4)提取的通道时,您将可以访问一个提取端点,可以从多个端点将媒体发送到该端点,例如http://domain/ingest.isml/Streams(video_camera_angle1) 。 ../Streams(video_camera_angle2)、.../Streams(audio_en)、.../Streams(audio_sp)、.../Streams(audio_fr)。

Azure Media Services supports 4 egress protocols: Apple HLS, Adobe HDS, Microsoft Smooth, and MPEG-DASH. Azure媒体服务支持4种出口协议:Apple HLS,Adobe HDS,Microsoft Smooth和MPEG-DASH。 All of them support multiple audio tracks. 它们都支持多个音轨。 Today, I believe only Microsoft Smooth and Apple HLS support multiple video tracks. 今天,我相信只有Microsoft Smooth和Apple HLS支持多个视频轨道。

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